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David's Pov:

I woke up from my nap and decided to go check up on Moo and Wildcat. I walked into the medic room to be greeted by Moo. "You look beaten up too, why didn't you stop by earlier?" He chuckled. "It's just some minor cuts and bruises, I'll be fine" I said rolling my eyes and smiling. "Nope, you come over and sit down so I can treat your wounds. Wouldn't want them to get infected" he said with his arms crossed. I sighed. "Okay, geez mom" i said sitting down and letting him examine me. All he did was clean my cuts up with alcohol and put bandages on them. "There, all fixed up" Moo chimed smiling. I got up and looked over at the curtains shielding Wildcat as he laid asleep on the other side. "Don't worry about him, he's gonna be just fine. He should wake up in an hour or two." He said smiling. "Is it okay if I see him?" I asked. I don't know why but I just feel worried for him. Even if we did get off on a bad start. Moo nodded and pulled the curtains back to reveal him laying peacefully on the fold up bed. He looks kinda cute when he's asleep.. not that I think he's cute or something.. god I hate my brain.

I walked down to the kitchen to talk to Mini for a bit and tell him about the run. He sat on counter as I babbled on about what happened. "No way dude! That's insane!" He said shocked. "Yeah I know right, I just don't understand why someone would make a trap like that. It wasn't even meant for zombies too, that's what I don't understand." I trailed on. I was continuing my story until the sound of the door slamming open interrupted me. I looked back to see Vanoss standing by the door. "Come with me Nogla, we gotta chat" he said glaring at me while smiling. I can't tell if this is gonna be good or not.

We walked down to the room where I was first introduced to him. It was lit up by lanterns sitting around in places in the room. Weirdly it's quite down here. You can't hear any of the chatter coming from upstairs. Thick walls I suppose. He lead me into the room signaling for Delirious to leave. He sat down on a wooden stool in front of me as I sat on the other. "I just wanted to talk about what happened earlier this morning when you, Wildcat and Panda went on a run" he said staring at me for an answer. "Tell me everything, I wanna know every last detail" he glared. I gulped and scratched the back of my neck. I told him everything that I could remember from our trip. We basically discussed about it for almost an hour. He said that he had already talked to Panda to get his view of the story and said he'll be asking Wildcat later when he wakes up and is ready to. "I'm not gonna lie, for your first run you did an excellent job. You saved one of men and I'm great full for that." He said smiling. Well at least this means he doesn't hate me right? "You should get some more rest, you don't need to be moving around so much after what happened. You might as well sleep until tomorrow since it's already 7pm." He said standing up holding the curtains back for me. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I should get more rest, I only took a two hour nap" I said yawning and getting up to leave. "Alrighty then, night" he said as he closed the curtains behind me. I told Mini that I was going to bed early and he said it would be best so I headed upstairs to my room.
The next morning

I was woken up by light knocks on my door. I yawned and rubbed my eyes as I sat up from my bed. "Come in!" I yelled loud enough for them to here. I was surprised to see Wildcat open the door. "Sorry to wake you up.." he said as he sat on the bed beside me. "It's fine. So..how are ye feeling?" I asked smiling softly. "I'm alright.." he said looking down as he fidgeted with his fingers. An awkward silence filled the room until I broke it again. "So what ye need? Did Vanoss send you to get me or something?" I asked looking his direction. "No it's just that I um.. i heard about what happened and I just wanted to say um.. thank you for saving my life.." he said ignoring eye contact while softly smiling. "You don't have to thank me, just glad you're okay" I said smiling back and his cheeks turned a more pink color. "Listen.. I know we got off on a bad start, I wanna say that I'm...sorry for yesterday.." he said saying the Sorry part a little more quietly. "How about we start over?" I chuckled while holding my hand out for a deal. "Sounds good to me" he smiled and we shook hands to seal the deal. "Well anyways I gotta go do some things" he said getting up and heading towards the door. "Oh and don't tell anyone about me apologizing or anything, I don't want anyone thinking I'm a softy" he chuckled and walked away. I smiled to myself. Good to know that we weren't gonna be permanent enemies..

I gotta go help Mini in the kitchen. Someone's gotta make sure he doesn't burn the damn place down. I chuckled to that thought. As I was getting ready to pick my phone up from the wooden stand I heard it buzz. Suddenly a rush of anxiety came over me. I quickly took it off charge and turned it on to see who the message is from. One message from Brain..

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