-Rescue Mission gone wrong (Part1)-

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David's Pov:

This is it! Today is the day we save Brian! Vanoss had us get prepared for this all week. Even Luke started to heal up after a week, though he still isn't in the best shape to fight right now so he's staying behind with Mini, Ohm and Brock. I'm really nervous, this fight could get us all killed if we're not careful. We're not too sure of what they're capable of yet so we gotta be prepared for anything that may happen. I shouldn't be too worried since we do have some of the toughest people I know fighting by my side, minus Luke since he's injured. Speaking of Luke me and Ohm are getting ready to check up on him. Ohm has been by Luke's side 24/7 since the incident. He really cares about Luke.

Me and Ohm started walking towards Luke's room, Ohm was carrying a tray of food that he had Mini make for him. As soon as we walked into his room We were greeted by a small smile from Luke which Ohm quickly returned. Luke had a scar from wear his eye was pierced, it looked like an X like shape over his eye. I wonder how he's adjusting now that he only has one eye.."I bet you're hungry Toonzy!<3" Ohm cooed as he sat on the bed beside Luke handing him his food. "You know damn right I'm hungry! But not for the food if you know what I mean~" Luke teased Ohm as he was wiggling his eyebrows causing poor Ohm to blush terribly making me and Luke chuckling in return. "Aww not in front of Nogla!" Ohm wined. They're so adorable together. I wonder if me and Tyl-......we would never be like that who am I kidding! Gah I hate these stupid feelings! It's just distracting me! I don't have time to think about some stupid crush, I have to get ready to save my best friend!

I met up with the rest of the troops in Vanoss's room for a meeting. He had the map of the whole city laid out along with an hand drawn map of our base. We went over what the plan was, the plan is that we would scope out the area until we see one of their troops wondering around and follow them back to their base, once we get a clear view of their base we'll set up a temporary camp nearby hidden out of site and from whatever information we can gather from watching their base we'll infuriate it. We'll be well armed just in case things get ugly.

I headed down to the weapons room along with Wildcat and panda. All the troops were going, Wildcat, Panda, Basically and 407. Even Vanoss and Delirious are going. Vanoss left Ohm in charge. Everyone started packing up and loading their weapons. After we got our stuff together everyone went to the kitchen to get some food to eat before leaving.

I walked into the kitchen to be greeted by a worried looking Mini. "You alright bud?" I asked as Mini handed me a plate of ham and mashed potatos. "I just have a really bad feeling about this Nogla, what if someone gets killed. I couldn't imagine losing any of you guys.." Mini sighed looking down. I gently laid my hand on his shoulder and gave him a weak smile to reassure him and with that he smiled weakly back. "Everything is gonna be just fine Mini." I spoke. "Come on, let's go eat in the lobby." I said patting his back. He grabbed a plate of food as well and we headed off to the lobby to chow down. Me and Mini sat down on the stairs and chatted for while until I noticed Tyler walking towards us. "What up bitches!" Tyler yelled with a cocky smile and sat down beside me. "Hey Ty!" Mini greeted. I just smiled his way. "God you fuck tards eat so sloooow!" Tyler wined making us me chuckle with my mouth full of mashed potatos nearly making me spit it out. Mini just chuckled at my struggle to keep my food in my mouth. "Jeez Tyler you're making the Irish man barf out potatos!" Mini said laughing some more. I quickly swallowed my food before I started laughing. My heart started pounding when I felt Tyler scoot closer to me. He's so close I can feel his body heat.

As the laughter died down Mini spoke up. "Hey Nogla I'ma grab some water, I'll be right back!" Mini said standing up and walking his way towards the kitchen leaving just me and Tyler alone. An awkward silence rose upon us as Tyler scooted a tad closer to me, leaving our legs touching. After a minute Finally Tyler spoke up. "So Nogla, are you ready for this mission?" Tyler asked. "I'm pretty sure I have everything packed" I replied facing his direction. "No, I mean like are you mentally prepared to face these guys and your friend?" He asked making me tilt my head. I started to think about it, I can't get too emotional when I face these guys, they'll just see it as a weakness and use it against me. I also can't get too pissed off at them, I need to keep my cool and stay focused if I wanna save Brian. Am I really ready for this? what we're about to face is war. I took a deep breath and relaxed my mind so that I don't over think this. "Of course I'm ready! Ain't nothing gonna get in my to save my best friend!" I said some what in a confident tone. Tyler sent a smile my way. "That's good to here, you look cute when you're confident." Tyler chuckled making a blush form on my cheeks from him calling me cute. I'm over thinking it! It was probably meant to be in a playful or joking way right? "Oh snap I turned you into a tomato" Tyler said chuckling some more making my cheeks turn an even darker shade of red. "Stop teasing him Ty" I heard Mini say from the outside of the room just walking in from the kitchen hallway. "He's bulling me mom! Make him stop!" I said pointing at Tyler with a goofy grin. "Tyler stop teasing your future husband right now mister!" Mini jokingly yelled at him. This however made Tyler's cheeks glow red as well. "Fuck off!" Tyler yelled embarrassed. Me and Mini just laughed for awhile Tyler put on an unamused expression. "I swear to god Mini I'm gonna-" Tyler said right before a loud bang cut him off. The sound came from outside. "What the hell was that?!" Mini asked. "It sounded like a gunshot." I said confused. "You guys stay here, I'm gonna go check outside" Tyler said in a more serious tone. Me and Mini waited for Tyler to return with some answers. About five minutes later another gunshot was heard. My anxiety began to rise. Something isn't right, I can feel it. "You think we should check to see if Tyler is okay?" I ask worried. "I think we should stay just in case something happens" Mini said also with worry in his tone. A few more minutes past and still nothing but silence. I grabbed my pistol out of my bag.  "Mini something is wrong.." I spoke in a somewhat shaky voice. A few moments later the front doors slammed open startling me and Mini half to death. We both shot our heads towards the direction of the doors. My eyes widened when I saw Tyler helping Ohm in side as he struggled to walk. "What the fock happened!?" I yelled in panic. "Are you guys alright!?" Mini asked worried. "We're fine, Mini I need you to get Vanoss as soon as possible! Tell him we have people attacking the base!!" Tyler yelled panicked. My heart dropped when I heard those words. Why now?! Who would do this!? "Nogla! I need you to get off your ass and grab some weapons! We're gonna need them!" He commanded. I quickly ran to the weapons room where we had packed our bags. I grabbed the first few weapons in sight as I was in a rush. I grabbed two more pistols not counting the one I already had, a hunting knife and an AK-47. I quickly put them into my own bag and ran as quickly as I could back to Tyler and Ohm. Also I may have packed something else just in case there's a big emergency. One grenade, I have a feeling it will come in handy when the time comes.

As I came back to the main lobby i had noticed the front doors barricaded and that Vanoss, Delirious, Panda and Basically was now standing in the room as well. "Nogla hand me the weapons!" Tyler shouted and with that I tossed my bag to him. He was quick to grab the weapons out. He looked at me when he pulled the grenade out from the bag. "Use it when the time comes Ty!" I yelled to him and he nodded in response as he carefully placed it into his pocket. "Alright stay on the alert men! They have Scotty so be careful!" Vanoss yelled with a look a frustration. He's pissed alright. "Those mother fuckers are gonna get what they deserve for hurting my Scotty!!" Basically shouted clearly pissed. He was marching his way to the front doors until Vanoss stopped him. "Wait Marcel! You can't just take them on head first! You'll get yourself killed!!" Vanoss warned him as his piercing brown eyes stared at Basically's. "They could kill Scott at any moment! I'm not gonna take that chance Evan!! He's my best friend!" He snapped back with teary eyes. Suddenly I realized i knew exactly what he was feeling right now, it's one of the worst feelings anyone could feel. The feeling that you could lose someone you care so damn much about at any given time and there's nothing you can do about it. "Getting yourself killed isn't gonna save Scotty." Vanoss spoke firmly. "Just promise me we're not gonna let these fuckers get away with this.." Marcel spoke in a raspy voice. "I wouldn't let them get away with this over my dead body" Vanoss said as he evilly smirked. "Good" is all Marcel responded with.

Tyler's Pov:

Suddenly we heard a loud bang from the back of the building. "Shit! Evan they're fucking attacking from behind too!!!" I yelled with panic. "Get all our fighters to the roof and Brock and the injured to the basement!!" Evan ordered. "Ohm I want you to guard the basement door with your life!" Evan yelled and Ohm nodded and went off to get Brock and Luke. "Tyler will you be alright to fight? You can barely walk with that leg." Evan ask worried. "If I can still move then I can still fight" I said confident and it seemed to have reassured him.

Quickly the rest of us headed to the rooftop. "Alright! Basically you take the left side of the roof! Panda you take the right side, Wildcat you and Nogla take the back and me and Delirious will take the front!" Evan ordered. And with that everyone got into their positions. I quickly got my rifle out and began to load it. Once my rifle was ready for fire I started scoping around for the intruders. I saw a few and with that I didn't hesitate to shoot them. I injured two putting them in critical condition and the other one was killed on the spot. After a few minutes this place became a war zone. Shoots getting fired from every direction, blood being shed like crazy, and the number of injuries and death increasing. My hands were starting to shake. Fuck! This shit wasn't supposed to happen!

"Hey! I spotted Scotty!!" Panda called out grabbing Marcel's attention immediately. Panda motioned for everyone to come over to him. He pointed to one of the guard post near the front side of the building. They had him tied up gagged to one of the wooden pillars. Someone was standing beside him with his gun out and ready. "We won't be able to shot him from here since we ran out of rifle bullets and if we used a handgun our aim wouldn't be the best from that far away." I pointed out. "Well anyone got any ideas!?" Marcel asked in a panicked tone. "Well I think two of us should go down and deal with him and get Scotty back, I would usually send only one man but given the circumstances I think it's best to have some back up. Meanwhile the rest of us will try to distract the others the best we can." Evan spoke and we all nodded to show we understood. "I think me and Tyler should get Scott, we're two of your best gunmen and we could take on more of them if things go south." Marcel offered and Evan nodded in agreement. "Alright once you guys get Scotty meet us in the basement, i think we're gonna evacuate the base so we need to get the injured to safety. We'll evacuate as soon as you're back. And Tyler, try not to run with that leg unless necessary. Please be careful you two" Evan said as he, Delirious, Panda and David head downstairs. Me and David shared a look before he left. I saw fear and worry in his eyes. I tried to force a small smile to reassure him but his sad expression only got worse. If we weren't in the situation we were in now I'd hug him and hold onto him until he stopped shaking telling him that everything will be alright. I wanna take that sad look off his face and lighten it up. I miss his smile already.

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