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David's Pov:

I rubbed my eyes before opening them. I appeared to be in some kind of dark room. God my head hurts.. where the hell am I anyways? And where is everyone else at? Did we escape? I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw a light shed as the door opened. I saw two silhouettes standing by the door. "Put the tall one with the other in the boiler room." One spoke and the next thing I know the other one was walking towards me. "Hey! Stay the fock away from me!!" I spat backing away until my chains stopped me. "Ah so he's awake already, proceed he isn't gonna do much with those chains on. And if he does try something just knock him back out." The guy at the doorway spoke before leaving. I turned my attention back to the guy in front of me. "Stay still for a second!" He demanded and I spat back at him refusing to do what I was told. I must have pissed him off because next thing I felt was his fist to my face. Fockin hurt like a bitch. I could feel the blood began to drip from my nose. I watched as he detached my chains from the pipe on the wall. "Get the fuck up and don't move until I say so!" He demanded angrily. He'd kick me for not getting up right away knocking me back down on to the ground. "I said get the fuck up!!" He yelled and I quickly stood up the best I could. "Now walk forward until further instructions!" He demanded again. I walked slowly threw the halls of the building scanning everything in my sight as the guy behind me kept a bat to my back, threatening to break my spine if I try anything. As we walked threw the hall I noticed there was jail cells that had been turned into bedrooms. Are we in a prison? This could be the one just right outside of town, in fact if it is the one I'm thinking about then they were closer to us than we thought. They must have been watching us this whole time. I can't believe we haven't tried to check around here before. I don't know how Vanoss didn't know about this place. He has a map of the whole area I don't understand.. could he have known but just never really looked into it. Though when we were planning for our rescue mission he got the area on the map spot on. He's had to have some kind of insight about this.. but why keep it from us..

Soon we stopped when he took me to the bottom floor of the prison. We stood in front of a big metal door with the letters "Boiler Room" engraved into it. He opened the door and pushed me into the dark room and closed the door as he left. "Fock! What an asshole.." I mumbled to myself as I got back up and looked around the room. I froze as I heard a familiar voice. "D-David?" The other croaked. I turned around and when I did so my eyes widened. "Brian!?" I called out a little excited. Soon enough I was brought into a hug. "Holy shit dude! Where the fock were ye?!" Brian asked. "I got caught up in gang, we were actually going to come and save you but these guys attacked us.." I said looking down. "God I'm so glad you're still alive. I've been planning on this rescue mission for almost a month now, heck I didn't stop looking for ye when I first noticed you were missing." I admitted scratching the back of my neck. "Well I'm glad to hear ya didn't give up hope on me.." Brian said with a sad smile. "To be honest I've given up hope a month ago.. I've been through so much torture I just couldn't take it anymore and not only that.. I was alone thinking my best and only friend was dead..,but then you appeared and now I think I still got some hope left." He spoke with a weak smile. I returned with a sympathetic smile myself. "We'll get out of here don't ye worry! I trust these new friends of mine, I know they're really tough." I said smiling at the thought of everyone. "You'll fit right in, we're like a family all of us" I said patting his back to try and cheer him up. "I'll take your word for it, I trust you." He said sitting back down. "For now until help comes, Let's catch up on things." He said patting a spot on the floor beside him and with that I sat there and we began to chat about our experiences from the past month..

Sorry for the short chapter! I really hope ye enjoy the story so far, next chapter should be longer and some shit may happen >->

-The Survived-(Daithi de wildcat)Where stories live. Discover now