-Where are you-

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David's Pov:

I sat in my room staring at the wall thinking. It's been two days since I got Brian's message..
Two days ago

David! I'm so glad to know that ur still alive! I've been looking everywhere for u dude. I'm worried.. 1:23

Oml! Brian where the fock r ye?! 1:25


Brian!? Hello?? Ye there!!? 1:45

Who am I talking to? Is this the Irish man's little friend :) 1:50

Something is wrong.. this isn't Brian..
I felt a panic attack sneaking it's way out..

Who the fock is this!!? Where's Brian!! DONT U DO SHIT TO HIM!! 1:55

Don't worry about it. He's in good hands.. 1:59


Present day

Nothing at all. Not a single text back from him ever since.. I'm focking pissed and worried! Who the hell has Brian and why!? I swear I'll find this mother focker and beat the living hell outta them!

I started to breath heavily as I felt tears rise in my eyes. I ran my fingers through my hair and silently cried to myself. I hate this.. why did any of this shit have to happen! Why!! Next thing I know I slammed my fist into the wall out of anger. I tried to calm myself down and compose myself. I need to do something about this. I can't just sit around here and let something happen to him. My anxiety rose once again when I heard a knock on my door. I'm really not in the mood for anything other than killing the fucking cunt that has Brian..

I heard another knock at at the door but I just ignored it. "Hey Nogla it's Mini, you coming down to the kitchen with me?" He asked and I ignored him once again hoping that he'll just walk away. I turned away when I heard the door open. "Hey Nogla, How come you didn't answer me?" He asked and I turned to face him and wiped my eyes. "I'll be down later.." I said kind of quite. I hope he doesn't notice I was crying.. "Hey, are you okay?" Mini said concerned and sat down beside me. "I'm fine.." I said looking down. "Is this about your friend?" He asked and I looked back at him and sighed. "Brian is in danger.. someone has him.." I spoke in a shaky voice. "Do you know where he's at?" He asked and I shook my head no. "I-I gotta leave Mini.. I gotta go out there and find him!" I said getting up. "You'll die out there on your own Nogla! Let us help. You're one of us now.." he said sitting me back down. "You can go talk to Vanoss about it, I'm sure he would understand." He said patting my back. "It's not going to help if you wonder around aimlessly and get yourself killed. Come on, let's go down to the kitchen and clear your mind with some cookies!" He said smiling softly. "Yeah.. you're right.." I said sighing and getting up as he did the same. We walked down to the kitchen and got to work.

Vanoss's Pov:

I gathered my two co leaders Wildcat and Basically for a meeting. I had Delirious stand outside of the basement door so no one would interrupt. We're discussing about who set the trap back at the thrift store. It was set up purposely for other humans and not zombies. Someone is trying to get rid of us..

"Alright men! We need to make some safety precautions for when we go out on runs. Someone is trying to kill us off." I said glaring at the map we made of the area. I circled around with a red marker where the thrift shop was and marked it as a danger area. "We need to find these son of bitches and kill them! Those fuckers almost kill me and my troop!" Wildcat said angrily. "How are we going to find these guys? The only things they leave are traps to kill us" Basically stated."unfortunately there's nothing we can do other than be careful. Trust me, I wanna find these guys too but unless they leave us some kind of clue to their base we can't do anything." I said sighing. "Well we have one clue.." Wildcat spoke up. "And what is that?" Basically questioned. "When I walked into the store there was the letter M spray painted in purple on the wall" he spoke. "Why didn't you say anything thing about this before?" I asked. "I honestly didn't remember until this morning." He said scratching the back his neck. "Keep an eye out for this M symbol when you guys go out tomorrow and tell the rest of your troop." I said and they both nodded. "Okay meeting over! We will chat again after your run tomorrow." I said signaling for them to leave and for Delirious to come back in. "What was that all about owl man?" He asked. "Don't worry about. It's nothing too bad.." I sighed and Delirious wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a warm hug. "Don't lie to me Evan." He said lifting his mask up so I could see his face. "Okay, Yeah it's pretty bad.." I said looking down and lifted my chin back up and softly kissed my lips. "Everything is gonna be okay Evan.." he said smiling and I smiled back. "Thank you Johnathan.." I said kissing him back. I know he's just trying to make me feel better but I know there's gonna be a war coming here soon and isn't going to end well for all of us..

-The Survived-(Daithi de wildcat)Where stories live. Discover now