-Closer than friends?-

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Tyler's Pov:

I feel like something changed in me when this new guy joined our group. I don't know..there's just something about this guy that makes me smile in a situation like this. I like hanging out with him a lot. I don't really talk to anyone much other then him and Evan, sometimes Anthony but mostly Nogla. I really like being around him. Maybe a little too much. I usually talk to Evan about this kind of stuff but we agreed that it's a bad idea to catch feelings with other members. He said it will only distract me. Rules aren't meant to be broken but you know what, I don't really give a fuck. I'm my own person and only I can tell me what to do. I mean I respect Evan in all but he has no room to talk about distractions. I know him and Delirious are doing things when no one is around. It's very obvious.

I decided to go to David's room and check up on him. I knocked on his door but there was no answer. I opened his door and peaked in his room to see that he wasn't there. Maybe he's in the kitchen with Mini. I walked into the kitchen and called out for Mini. "Yo Craig!" I shouted and he immediately poked his head out from behind the counter. "Hey Ty, what do you need?" He asked smiling. "Hey have you seen David anywhere?" I ask and he smirked. "Why are you looking for David?" He asked smirking like a dork. "Stop giving me that look Mini!" I yelled blushing knowing why  he's giving me that look. "Stop shipping me and David behind our backs! I know you do so quit it!" I scuffed blushing. "Come on Tyler I know you like him." He teased poking my face. "That's none of your business!" I said swatting his finger away from my face. "Alright I'll stop picking on you.." he chuckled. "He's up on the roof" he said finally answering my question. "Why is he up there?" I asked and Mini just shrugged. "He says that's where he likes to think" he said. "Okay, well then I'll head up and talk to him" I said walking away.

I walked up the stairs to the roof top to find David laying peacefully on the ground while looking at the clouds. I walked over to him and he turned to my direction and smiled. I sat down beside him and looked at the corrupted city from far away. "Hey Tyler, What brings you here?" He asked still staring at the sky. "I just wanted to see you..if that doesn't sound weird" I said blushing a bit. "I don't mind. Lay down with me and watch the clouds for a bit, it's actually quite relaxing" he said smiling and I laid back onto the rooftop beside him and took a deep breath and gazed at the sky. "So is this what you do when you're not working?" I asked. "Yeah.. it helps me forget about all the bad things that as happened recently.." he answered kinda frowning. "I understand why you chose to be up here, it's so peaceful and quiet" I said looking at the clouds as they formed into different shapes. "That cloud looks like a dog" he said pointing to one of the clouds. "Yeah..a deformed dog" I chuckled and he laughed along. "That one looks like a potato" I said mocking his accent and he playfully punched my arm and giggled as I couldn't stop laughing. "This one looks like a pig" he pointed out. "It kinda looks like the one you have carved on your rifle" he said. "You got very defensive when I touched it, why is it so important? I'm just curious.." he asked and a frowned a little thinking of old memories. "Well.. that gun was given to me by my father.., he gave it to me as a birthday present on my 15th birthday before.." I said sighing. "Before what?" He asked with curiosity. I sighed again. "Before he was killed while on a mission in Iraq. He was shot in a hostage situation trying to save a woman and her two kids.." I trailed on. "He was a hero and it costed him his life.." I said sadly turning away. I felt his hand touch mine giving me a cold chill. "I'm so sorry about your dad Tyler. I'm sure he would be really proud of you. You're like the toughest guy here and a great leader.." he said softly smiling and I faced his direction with my face red from blushing. We both sat up with his hand still on mine and we couldn't help but look into each other's eyes. I felt myself get lost into is beautiful dark green eyes as I slowly leaned closer to him and he did the same. We both stopped and jump at the sudden noise of his phone ding. We quickly pulled away from each other blushing terribly and a awkward silence filled the air as David went to check his phone. I looked back at David's direction to see him with tears in his eyes while breathing heavily. I quickly came to comfort him to see what was wrong. He didn't say a word as he handed the phone to me. I read the text and played the video below... a sudden bad vibe dropped in my chest as I watched and listen to the warning. "We gotta show Vanoss this immediately.." I said running my fingers through my hair nervously while sighing.

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