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David's Pov:

I've been taken to an old boarded up building just out of town. The three guys who saved me took me here. The one told me that they wanted to help and that they have some one who can check on my ankle because I'm pretty sure I focking broke it. It's swollen and purple and hurts like a bitch when I walk on it. They also wanted me to speak to someone when I get done my check up. They seem kind of nice I suppose but some of them seemed a little upset and angry. Some gave me glares when I first walked in. I don't think that's a good sign..

Two of the guys went on somewhere else as the other lead me to a small room upstairs. The guy wore a torn panda hat and a ripped black shirt with pants that was ripped on one side near his leg and brown steal toed boots that appeared very dirty. When we walked up to the door he gave me a signal to go in and waited outside for me.

I was greeted by a man with a mohawk who wore a colorful looking tang top and ripped jeans. He looked pretty friendly as he smiled and told me to sit down on the fold up bed. "My name is Brock but around here I go by Moo. What's your name?" He asked smiling. "My name is David and I don't really have a cool nickname" I chuckled softly. "Well that's okay, Vanoss will make one for you" he said as he pulled my leg up to examine it. "Who's Vanoss?" I asked curious. "He's like the main leader around here" he replied. "Who's the other leaders if he's the main one?" I asked. "Wildcat and Basically are the co leaders, you've already met Basically, 407 and Panda. You'll probably meet wildcat when you go speak with Vanoss" he said as he started wrapping my ankle up and lightly dapped alcohol into my cuts around my legs and arms. "Fock that stings!" I yelp in pain as the alcohol touched my open flesh. "Sorry, I should have warned you" he chuckled. "I gotta warn you about something David, since they saved your life you owe them" he said in a serious tone. "Owe them what?" I asked a little worried. "We need new recruits around here to help with supply runs, we're currently down a man since our last run" he sighed. "I'm sorry for ye loss but I don't think I can help with that kind of stuff, I mean for fock sakes I tried taking on a whole horde of zombies with a busted curtain rod! I don't stand a chance" I sped off. "You don't have a choice David. If you refuse they will kill you" he said in a more worried and serious tone. I sighed, well shit..

Moo gave me a ice pack to put on my ankle and shooed me out the door to be greeted by who I assume is Panda once again. He gave me a signal to go ahead. Not much of a talker I guess. He kept a small pistol in his hand, I think as a safety precaution just in case I try some shit I guess. He led me to another room into where I'm guessing is the basement of the large building. He did some knocks in a pattern on the iron door which caused someone to open it for us.

I was met by a tall man in a beaten up looking hockey mask with a blue hoodie on and dark jeans with biker gloves on. He looked kind of intimidating to be honest. He looked over to my direction. "So, this is the fresh meat? You think he'll be useful to us" he chuckled in a creepy way. He kinda sounds like a psycho. "Oh owl man! You have a visitor!" He chimed. "This better be good" I heard a voice say behind the curtains of the other room. I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty nervous. I don't really trust these people. Even if they did save my life it was mostly for their own purposes.

"Come on in, I don't bite....much" I heard the man chuckle. I cautiously entered the room from where the voice was coming from. I saw a tall Asian man with black hair in a red and white jacket with wrist guards on and black gloves with black jeans that had beaten looking knee pads on too. I saw that he had a pistol holster on his side but the gun wasn't in it, he was holding it and fiddling with it when I walked in. "So..speak your name" he demanded. "D-David" I replied stuttering a bit out of fear. "Listen David, I have an offer for you.." he trailed on. "You could become one of us and survive or go back out into the zombie fulled city all alone and get surrounded once again and meet an unfortunate death" he said looking into my eyes piecing them. "But if you do stay with us there's a catch as there is in most deals..." he said walking closer to me making me uncomfortable. "You will have to help around here and you will sacrifice your life if you have to, to complete an order" he said glaring at me. "So..what will it be? Survival..or death" he said staring into my soul making me tremble a bit. I took a deep breath. How am I gonna find Brian if I'm stuck helping these guys. But they are right..I won't make it out there on my own. Maybe if I gain their trust they'll help me find Brian. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard an annoyed "Ahem" from Vanoss. "My patients is running thin, So what will it be?!" He said annoyed. I guess Moo was right.. I don't really have a choice. "Okay, I'll help!" I said kind of regretting my decision. "That's good to hear, you'll be our new troop. Every other morning we do supply runs around 6am sharp, so I hope you're an early bird" he smirked. "Panda will escort you to your room, since you're a newbie you don't start until the day after tomorrow. For now you will help cook with Mini. And just so you know..if you do try anything or hurt any of our men..you'll be dead before you know it" he said and signaled for me to leave. I took a big gulp and sighed. What did I just get myself into..

Panda led me to a small room on the third floor and told me to get some rest. There wasn't much in here. Just a fold up bed, a small pillow, a raggedy looking blanket folded up on top of the bed and a table next to it with a lantern. I got on the bed and laid down covering myself with the blanket. The blanket is a little short for me since I'm a tall fuck so my feet stick out. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at it. I turned it on to notice it was on five percent. I sighed and dialed a number into my phone and sighing once again as I hear it go straight to voicemail. " leave a message after the beep. *beep*" the phone spoke. "Uhh...Hey Brian..if you get this message I just want to let you know that I'm worried...please if you're still..alive call me or message me back as soon as you can please... stay safe..I'm coming for ye.." I hung up after leaving the message and turned my phone off and set it down on the table beside me. I turned the lantern off and went to sleep. I guess I'll have to get used to this new life..

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