-Small Crush and big enemies-

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Hey hey hey, our little potato boy is catching some feelings for a certain someone UwO

also this one is a little longer than my other chapters


David's Pov:

It's been two weeks since I was brought here and joined these fellow survivors. I've become friends with mostly everyone here which is good. To be honest we're not always so serious around here, Me and Mini would have food fights in the kitchen and I'd play some video games on the console that Panda found while we were out on a run and would play with Ohm and a couple of others on it. Almost everyone here tries to distract each other from the horrors that walks around this Earth. Everyone tries to stay positive and you know what, sometimes I even forget about the apocalypse happening. Every time I go out on a run I look around for any sign that Brian was there. Found nothing..

Today i go out on another run, but this one is gonna be a little different. Panda won't be joining us since he got hurt pretty bad on our last run. He broke his arm trying to hold a big metal door open so me and Wildcat could escape a zombie filled building and the damn door crushed his arm. So it's just gonna be me and Wildcat for this run. I got to know the others a good bit but I don't really know much about Wildcat. He's a bit of a loner, he never really talks to anyone. I try starting conversations with him when we're out looking for supplies and what not, but he either ignores me or tells me to pay attention or just shut the fock up. I mean no need to be pissy with me, I just wanna talk and make friends..

I decided to talk to Mini before I go. I made my way down to the kitchen to see Mini scrabbling for ingredients in the fridge. "Oh! Hey Nogla! Didn't see you there" Mini said smiling while placing a bowl out on the counter. "So where are you guys going today?" He asked. "We're gonna be searching the mall for stuff." I said leaning on the counter. "Isn't that a little dangerous for only two people?" He asked a little concerned. "Well..yeah but I'm sure we'll be fine" I replied sighing. "Who's idea was it to go there?" Mini asked. "It was my idea.." I admitted. "Why the hell would you want to go to a zombie filled place like that?!" He yelled. "It's where Brian was last at.." I said looking down sighing. "I convinced Vanoss on letting me choose the next place to search.." I trailed on. "I just need to find some clue to where he's at.." I said. Mini came over and patted my shoulder. "Just promise to be careful okay." He said softly smiling. "I promise" I said smiling back.

Wildcat opened the kitchen door and signaled that it's time to go. "Come on fuck nugget, we don't got all day!" He said kinda smirking. We walked to the weapons room to gear up. He handed me two pistols and a hunting knife and got himself his rifle that he got mad over and a pistol and a wooden and blood stained basketball bat. He put a ballistic vest on and wrist protectors. "You sure you wanna go to the zombie infested mall?" He asked raising and eyebrow. "I'm sure" I said plainly. "You're either brave or stupid, I honestly can't tell" he chuckled. "Here's an extra vest." he said as he tossed it to me. I kinda struggled to close the vest from behind my back. I couldn't reach the hook in the back. Wildcat must have noticed me struggle because he just started laughing at me. Something about his laugh made my heart skip a beat. "You need help?" He asked still chuckling. "Yeah.." I said sighing and blushing out of embarrassment. He hooked the vest for me and smiled. "There, now let's go" he said patting my shoulder. His hand was so warm on my shoulder..

We walked through the corrupted city without running into any problems as we approached the entranced of the large building. "Make sure to stay behind me and don't make any noises, there's some roamers nearby" he said quietly and then signaled for me to follow him. He had his bat out instead of his pistol. "Try not to use your gun in here, the sound of the bullets will just draw more of them to us" he whispered to me. We careful walked through the broken doors and into the front of the mall. Wildcat walked over to take a look of the map of the mall. "We'll be searching around the parts store and foodcourt, got it?" He said quietly and I nodded in response. Is it weird that i like going on these runs? I mean I just like being around Wildcat.. I don't know why I just do..

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