-This Means War-

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Tyler's Pov:

"Evan! We gotta kill these bastards! They have Nogla's friend held hostage and they're taking our territory!" I shouted angrily. These fuckers are gonna get what's coming to them! "Tyler I can't risk anyone else getting hurt. We can't risk it." Evan spoke but I only yelled back. "They have Nogla's friend! Any friends of Nogla's is a friend of mine which makes him one of us too! We don't leave a man behind Evan!" I said getting louder as I spoke. "We're not starting a war and putting everyone in danger because your little boyfriend's friend got himself kidnapped!!" He yelled back angrily looking into my piercing blue eyes. I sighed with anger and took a step closer to him. "He's not my boyfriend first of all, and second what if Delirious was the one who got kidnapped? You would do it for him wouldn't you?!" I said pushing him back a bit. He then looked at me with hatred and pushed me back against the wall. "Delirious has nothing to do with this conversation!" He yelled and I pushed him off of me. "Delirious has as much to do with this conversation as everyone else! If we don't do anything someone else will get hurt Evan! You really think they're gonna stick to their territory for very long?! As soon as they run out of whatever they need they're coming here!!" I yelled back and taking a deep breath to calm myself. Evan sighed and looked back at me. "You're right.. we have to do something about it.." he said patting my shoulder. He took a deep breath. "Now, Are we gonna kick these mother fuckers asses or what!?" He shouted smiling. I smiled back. "Let's do this.."

David's Pov:

I sat in my room on my bed breathing heavily as I rethink this situation with Brian. Those cunts! How dare they do this shit to him! I should have went with him that day.. then none of this would have happened..

Tyler said he'll talk to Vanoss about helping Brian. I know I've been asking for too much from him lately but hopefully he'll help with this one last thing. I laid down holding my knees and covering myself with a blanket as I started to sob silently to myself. I jumped a little as I heard a knock on my door. "Hey Nogla, it's me Tyler. I have some good news!" I heard his voice come from the other side of the door. "Come in.." I said loud enough for him to hear. I heard the door open as I saw Tyler walk over to my bed and sat beside me. "Hey.. you okay buddy?" He asked rubbing my arm. "Not really.." I spoke quietly in a raspy tone. I then felt him lay down beside me and wrap his arms around me pulling me to his chest. My face heated up as he ran his fingers through my hair. His warmth made me feel safe and comfortable. It actually calmed me down a bit. "Everything is gonna turn out fine David, I promise.." he said hugging onto me tightly and I hugged back. My heart is pounding right now. "Like I was getting ready to tell you, Vanoss agreed to help rescue Brian. In fact we plan on getting rid of those cunt bags once and for all" he said which made me feel much better. I looked up at him and noticed his face is redder than usual, "um you okay Tyler? You're lookin a lil red dare bud." I said as my accent showed a little more. His face only seemed to have gotten redder when I asked him about it and looked away. "Y-Yeah.. it's nothing" he said stuttering. "Are ye sure?" I asked which seemed to have made him tense up more. "I think I'm just tired! It's probably time for you to go to bed too so I should go!" He said nervously and quickly got up and tried to leave but I grabbed his hand and stopped him. He stopped and looked back at me with his tomato red face and beautiful blue eyes of his. "C-Can you stay... I'll feel safer with you here.." I said blushing while holding his hand tightly. He sighed and smiled at me. "Okay.. I'll stay just for tonight." He said as he laid back down beside me covering us both with the blanket. We faced opposite ways as he turned off the lantern light. "Goodnight David.." he spoke softly. "Goodnight Tyler" I said back as I closed my eyes. After a few minutes I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and the warmth of someone's chest against my back. I smiled to myself and drifted back to sleep..

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