-On The Run-

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David's Pov:

As I woke up I was greeted by the sound of loud banging knocks on the door. I quickly sprung up out of bed to check the noise out. Shit! They're focking knocking down my barricade!! I tried pushing more furniture against the door to hold them off a little longer. I need to get the hell out of here!

I grabbed my bag that I packed last night and took the curtain rod with me as a weapon and a small kitchen knife, I'm trying my best here.. I don't have anything else to use as defense. I heard the door starting to break open as a hand broke through it. I gotta find a different exit. I looked out each window to see if there was a way out but it's a pretty far drop from here, why does this have to be a two story building.. I spotted a old rusty ladder on the side of the building but it doesn't go all the way down, maybe I could jump in the dumpster below but I might break a limb..

I heard a loud bang from the door as I saw the zombies make their way through, I guess I'm out of time! I quickly opened the window and jump out onto the ladder but the rusty ladder broke when I climbed halfway down it and I fell landing onto piles of trash bags in the dumpster. Fock! That hurt like a bitch. I struggled to get up out of the dumpster and stumbled onto the ground, that's when I felt the pain in my ankle. I don't have time to worry about that though, I need to find somewhere safe to go and find Brian.

I limped my way through the streets trying to avoid as many zombies as possible. Being unable to run in this situation is a big down side. As I walked a couple of blocks away from my apartment i saw a convenient store in the distance. Oh thank god, I need to pack up on more food. There wasn't much food at the apartment since I haven't gone to the market in awhile.

I tried to move quickly and quietly as I could to the store. I walked to the front entrance of the small building and looked through the glass window to check for any more of those freaks. It looked clear so I slowly opened the door so it wouldn't make a disturbance. I walked quietly through the store looking for some snack and stuff to pack. A lot of stuff was knocked off the shelves and there was shards of glass all over the floor from the broken window. There was also small pools of dried up blood on the ground leading behind the counter. I quickly grabbed as much food as I could fit into my backpack. As I was getting ready to leave I heard something shuffle behind one of the shelves and a can came rolling towards me. I think that's my cue to leave! I rushed my way out of the store and slammed the door onto the zombie. It started beating the glass with its head until it shattered letting it get by.

I limped away through the streets as fast as I could but it was catching up and even brought some friends with it. Oh Fock!! These bastards are fast! I tried climbing on top of a tractor trailer that was laying in the middle of the road. I climbed all the way up while kicking the zombies below trying to reach me. I just stood there surrounded not knowing what to do or how I'll get out of this mess. They're almost up here and all I have is a busted curtain rod and a kitchen knife to save me. I'm fucked...

As I almost gave up hope I heard a loud explosion coming from a block away. Most of the zombies got distracted by it but the others were determined to get me. Shit! Two has already made their way to the top! I tried swinging the rod at them so they wouldn't touch me but they kept getting closer. I'm so close to the edge. I'm using the rod to hold them back but the one starting pushing it making me walk back a bit. This is really bad! There's a whole group of them below and if I fall..I don't think I can hold them back any longer.

I guess this is it for me then.. I'm sorry Brian.. I really am.. I took a deep breath and almost lost hope once again. "I don't think an explosion is gonna save me again this time.." I said to myself and that's when the sounds of gun shots filled the air. I opened my eyes once again to look around me and there laid the zombies who almost got be and there stood three men in front of me with guns. "Maybe not another explosion but bullets work" one of the men said smirking. "How about we have a chat" another one said in a snarky tone. Well this will be interesting..

-The Survived-(Daithi de wildcat)Where stories live. Discover now