-Strange places-

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Brian's Pov:

I sat in a cold dark room. I was in some kind of basement. I don't remember much of how I got here. All I remember is that I was talking to David on the phone about this whole apocalypse shit and people running and panicking around me and being pushed onto the ground by some people trying to run away, and then I remember seeing some people get infected in the crowd and my memory gets cloudy and I just see these guys taking me away somewhere, I couldn't move my legs or arms.. I ended up passing out and waking up in this place..

I've been here for days or weeks even. I'm not really sure. They have two people to take me to different rooms to do work like washing they're fucking clothes and shit and they beat me or threaten to kill me if I don't do what I'm told. I fucking hate it here!! I wanna wake up from this shitty nightmare already! They sound like a bunch of Australian cunts. Some sound like they're American too. They're all a bunch of dumb ass cunts I tell ya!

They give me my phone once a week now for 15 minutes so I can text David. I'm not allowed to say anything about where I am and who these people are or anything about them. If I do mention any of that stuff they said they'll cut my fucking toes off. These people are fucking crazy! God I wish I could tell David everything that's happening. I wanna make sure he's safe out there. I just don't wanna find him dead if I ever escape from here..

??? Pov:

These people are gonna be a real problem if they keep searching near our base. I sighed angrily as I tapped my fingers along the metal arm of my chair. Those people almost got Jay and Swagger killed! I can't have something like that happen again.

I ordered Everyone to come into the plans room for an emergency meeting. Everyone was bickering or chatting about the situation. "Silence!!" I yelled and the room grew quiet. "Now I hope you all know why you're here! There's another group of survivors out there and they are wondering in our territory! They are taking all the supplies and food around here! They tried to hurt us so we've been setting traps to hurt them!" I spoke. "Are we gonna to let them steal what is ours!?" I yelled and everyone yelled back with a fuck no. "Are we gonna survive longer than those cunts or what!?" I yelled and everyone chanted with a hell ya. "We should send a message so they know not to fuck with us!" Toby suggested. "Great idea Toby!" I chimed. "Oi! Zuckles! Jay! Use our little friend's phone and send his friend a video of you two playing "nicely" to our guest." I ordered and a smirk grew on both of their faces. "This should send a nice warning.." I said smirking to myself. "Make sure to tell them, if I see any of their men on my territory again that I'll tie their little friend to a pole and feed him to the zombies!" I yelled and they both nodded and smiled in response. I sent them to go visit our friend locked up in the boiler room. If they value their people then this should keep them away...


Sorry this chapter was short QwQ

I'll try to get chapter 10 published here soon ;)

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