-Rescue Misstion Gone Wrong(Part2)-

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Tyler's Pov:

Me and Marcel made our way out the building without getting noticed by any of our "visitors" outside. We swiftly made our way to where Scotty was being held captive. We hid behind one of the other wooden pillars nearby. Marcel took a quick peek of what we're up against. "It's just some scrawny guy in a black hoodie, it seems he only has a handgun on him. He should be easy to take out but we need a distraction." Marcel whispered to me. "I'll go distract him while you sneak behind him and knock him out." I whispered back. With that Marcel nodded his head and stayed in position as I made my way over towards the armed man.

I walked in front of him so he would notice me and when he did he instantly put his gun up to Scotty's head. "Oi! Take another step and I'll fucking paint him red!!" The Australian spat holding his finger to the trigger. I just smiled and started to chuckle. "Go ahead I don't care. I'm not here for him anyways, I'm here to kill you that's all." I said to antagonize and confuse him. "I swear I'll blow his fucking brains out!!" He yelled back. "Do it pussy! Because while you take your shot at him I'm gonna take mine at you dumbass!" I chuckled loudly. This clearly pissed him off and threw him out of focus on Scotty which is just what I wanted. I saw that Marcel was already behind him and waiting for my signal. "Now!!" I yelled as I saw the panic in the man's eyes when he realized what I was doing. That's when I heard a gunshot go off. I watched the panic fade from his eyes as he began to smile. He wasn't shot. I quickly turned my direction towards Marcel to see him laying on the ground as Scotty began to cry. It was a trap.. they had back up.. "you fucking assholes!!!" I yelled as I shot the Australian without hesitation and watched as he fell to the ground. I quickly aimed my gun at the other man who shot Marcel. I shot him in the leg before he could shoot back making him drop his gun, I took this opportunity to shoot him in the chest while he was defenseless. I quickly ran over to untie Scotty and went to aid Marcel. "Oh god Marcel....I-I'm so sorry..I-I got you guys into this mess..." Scotty spoke with a shaky voice as tears rolled down his face. I took Marcel's shirt off and used to apply pressure to the wound to stop some of the bleeding. "Fuck.. stay with us Marcel!" I said with panic clearly laced in my tone. He was struggling to stay awake. "Scotty hand me your jacket quickly!!" I ordered and he quickly handed me his jacket. "Ok now put pressure on this while I wrap him up!" I yelled and Scotty was quick to do so. I tied Scotty's jacket tightly around his chest, hopefully that will help for now. "Come on, help me take him inside!" I said as I put his right arm over my shoulders and my hand around his waist as I helped him up, Scotty did the same and we carried him inside as quickly as we could.

David's Pov:

There was a good bit of men out front taking shots at us when they had a chance. We were out numbered.. we've been holding them off for about fifteen minutes now and I don't think we can hold them off any longer. They keep pushing on us, this is really bad.. god I really hope them three make it back soon. I hope they're alright. I'd blame myself if anyone got hurt or killed during this, after all this whole rescue thing was my idea and I'm kinda starting to regret it... I think I started something really bad for all of us. Honestly I think none of this would have happened if I never joined them... I guess I'm talking a lot of nonsense, I'm just really worried about everyone.

Everyone is so exhausted from all the fighting. Our shots and movements are only getting slower while their's stays the same. They seem relentless. "Shit guys! Looks like we got more company!!" Delirious yelled in panic as he pointed at some zombies walking their way towards all the ruckus. "All this noise must have attracted their attention, we gotta go now!" Vanoss ordered. "Come on we need to meet everyone in the basement, get our things and leave!" Vanoss added as we ran our way back into the building.

Once we got inside Vanoss ordered us to grab as much supplies as we can along with our camping set up. Me and Panda gathered food while Delirious grabbed weapons supplies and Vanoss got the medical supplies and headed towards the basement where Brock, Ohm and Luke stayed. When we gathered everything we all met up in the basement. Everyone was there except for Tyler, Marcel and Scotty. It's been awhile.. they should have been back by now.. that thought was popped once I saw them quickly bust through the door. They had blood all over them. I noticed Marcel was the source of it when Tyler and Scotty laid him down on the floor. "Brock we now you over here now!!" Tyler shouted. I've never heard such worry in his tone before. Brock quickly grabbed his medical box and rushed over to aid Marcel. We all gathered around him as Brock did his best to stop the bleeding. "The bullet is in there pretty deep, I'm sorry Marcel but you just gotta hang in there for a little longer." Brock spoke as he got a pair of long tweezers out and a small flashlight to see inside the wound. Marcel winched and groaned in pain as Brock dug the bullet out of his chest. Soon enough he pulled it out and immediately went for his medical equipment to get what he needed to sow it shut. "M-Marcel please just s-stay awake just a little longer.. your strong I-I know you can d-do it.." Scotty softly spoke to Marcel as he tried to hold his tears back the best he can. "I'm doing my best guys but he might not make it through this.. that bullet hit an artery and he's lost a lot of blood.." Brock said quietly with sadness laced in his tone. "No don't say that! Don't make me lose hope.." Scotty shouted in frustration as his tears began the flood out from his eyes. After Brock stitched him up and cleaned his wound he wrapped some medical wrap around his chest to cover the wound up. Marcel passed out from blood loss and his breathing is getting slower. It's not looking too good for Marcel.. he could stop breathing at any moment it appears.

Our attention was snapped back towards Vanoss as he stepped up. "Alright! As you all may know our base is no longer a safe place for us to stay, the other gang knows our location and destroyed most of our defenses, not only that this area is now crawling with zombies since all the noise attracted them here. This means we're gonna be on the run until we can find a new base. For now we're gonna have to set up camp somewhere away from here.. this means the rescue mission is off..I'm sorry Nogla, we just can't risk it now that we're without all the supplies and support we need, and now that we know that they out numbers us it's gonna be a suicide mission if we do it now.. again I'm sorry about your friend. I really wish we could've saved him." Vanoss spoke in a defeated tone. I've never seen him like this before. This didn't turn out at all how we planned. We lost our home, and our hope, and I lost Brian and even possibly Marcel if he doesn't wake up.. this literally couldn't have turned out any worse..

We must have stayed here for too long because the door was busted open by our unwanted guest. "Quickly everyone head towards the other exit! I have a secret door that leads straight outside in case of an emergency!!" Vanoss shouted and everyone grabbed everything they could and headed towards the other door. Some of us struggled as we had to fight off these guys to escape. Before I knew it I was hit in the back of the head with a gun as my eyes started to close. I felt someone pulling on my arms and dragging me away somewhere. I kept going in and out of consciousness. Whenever my eyes would open I would get a quick peek of what was going on around me. Everyone was yelling. Tyler was yelling.. he was yelling at me. He was calling my name.. he was struggling to get to me.. Vanoss grabbed him and tried to pull him away but he kept fighting back.. Vanoss shouted something.. "It's too late! We gotta go now!!"... the last thing I saw before blacking out was Tyler's hurt and sad expression.. and the last thing I heard was him call my name one last time.. "Nogla!!"... his voice echoed in my ears as the darkness covered my eyes..

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