Connie's Story and Cuddles

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This was the second one shot chapter, nothing has really changed in it. You may want to skip if you've read it xxx

The pair had just finished filming and Dianne was pouring them both a glass of red wine.

"Dianne," Joe said after another period of quiet, in which he had been packing away the camera.

"Yes, Joe," she responded, turning to look at him after assessing his tone as one of a little sadness.

"Could I, can I... err... take you up on that offer you made earlier, I need to talk about her." He stuttered again, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Course, let's sit down and get comfy then you can tell all if you want," she said, her stomach erupting in butterflies at the thought of him trusting her.

They settled on the couch a comfortable distance apart but close enough that Dianne could see not just the shake of his hand, as he took a pull from the glass but his entire face in full detail.

"She was called Louise, hence Connie's middle name. I knew her from back home we were good friends actually," Joe started, not believing he was telling this to someone he had only known just under 2 months. "One day we were out clubbing and I kissed her, not really thinking. It ended up turning into more and, before I, and Louise for that matter, could really register we were in bed in her flat having sex." A deep inhale, a read of Dianne's emotions and then continuation, "we were drunk and not safe and if I'm honest, neither of us could remember it happening really. So Lou and I stayed friends and put the whole night aside. Then," another deep breath, "she rang me in bits. I thought she'd had her heart broken by some stranger or something but it wasn't that. She said 'Joe I'm pregnant and it's yours I'm sorry,' I think I nearly died in that moment, I was just about 23 and immature. But I wasn't about to leave my best friend for dust so I promised to help."

Again he looked at Dianne who was nodding, an understanding smile on her face. "At first she wanted rid of it, she didn't think she could cope. I was supportive, if she didn't want it, then who was I to tell her to keep it. But she started to like the idea of having a small human and so it was decided we would be parents. I was absolutely petrified, I'd just started this new adventure of YouTube and just barely quit my thatching and the thought of having to pay for a baby was terrifying. I got my old job back almost straight away. Anyway, Lou and I went to the first scan and both completely fell in love with Connie. Soon we had to figure out logistically how this was going to happen obviously."

Dianne nodded took a sip of her wine, "I think we both knew there was no point in trying to fall in love, it was stupid and would have ended the three of us in a worse situation then if we just coparented. So I moved in with her to help and it was all going well, our friends and family knew and were all excited. I didn't tell the internet, wanting to keep it all private, Louise was very private, didn't even have Facebook so posting about it all over the internet wouldn't have been appropriate."

It was Joe's turn to sip the wine, pausing to enjoy it slipping down his throat, soothing the lump that was beginning to form there, knowing the hard part was coming. "Through the pregnancy she struggled, her emotions were up and down, and she considered aborting Connie twice more."

He wiped away a tear, prompting Dianne to squeeze his knee, "I just thought it was normal to feel down, I mean she was growing a human, it was bound to make her upset sometimes and scared. Towards the end though her mood lifted and she started getting better, buying girly clothes and making the corner in our flat perfect for a baby. It was as if she was excited," Joe laughed at the notion.

"And then came Connie in April. Best day of my life," Joe smiled, glancing at the door which concealed his girl. "Not so much for Louise. The midwives said the birth was easy and straightforward and she was born relatively quickly for a first time mum. But, Louise was very low after the birth, I presumed she was just exhausted and took the first shift, letting her sleep, everyone agreed to be fair. It was like everyone I spoke to said 'give her time she's just exhausted,' but I mean I was still worried, what if this was a projection of her thoughts from throughout her pregnancy. I don't think she had really held Connie at this point, I don't think it was resentment or anything but she wouldn't even touch her. Zöe and my family visited and naturally were in love with her. Louise's family visited too, agreeing that Lou was just tired and would brighten up after a few hours sleep. But we were wrong. We were all so wrong."

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