Dinners and Dens

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"Right, see you in a few hours, say hi for me," Dianne said, as she kissed him on the cheek, his suitcase in her hand.

"Thanks again, I owe you," Joe said, as he hurried out of Elstree into the awaiting car, waving at Dianne the whole time. Once he had told the driver where he was going and he had sent a text to his mum letting her know he'd be in when she got there and to keep it a secret from Connie, he spent the majority of the trip with a hand on his face and the biggest smile imaginable. She, Dianne Buswell, had kissed him on the cheek for the soul purpose of saying goodbye to him. And he wanted that forever.

When he reached his complex, he thanked the driver and checked his watch, Connie would be here in less that 15 minutes and he had a plan. Coming in he threw his bag down and went straight into his office. He grabbed the plastic chairs and blankets and carried them into the living room. He pushed the coffee table away and started constructing the fort for him and Connie.

"The door was open Nanny," he heard Connie say, as he was clipping the fairy lights up. Anyone looking in from the outside would recognise that Joe had done this all before.

"Go on in then," he heard his mum say, as he hid in the den.

"Woah, Nanny, did you make me a den?" Connie shouted, and Joe could hear her rushing to take her shoes, coat and bag off.

"Go and look inside," Tracey said, knowing Joe would be waiting in there for her.

"Wow, Nanny, this looks like one of Daddy's dens, did he teach go how to make one?" Connie asked, and Joe could now see her tight covered feet walking towards him. Joe started recording on his phone, just before Connie's face appeared in the entrance to the den. "Daddy!" She shouted and dived in, knocking joe back slightly.

"Hi Monkey," he said, putting his phone down, hugging her tightly, "how was school, did Archie try and kiss you again?"

"Nope, how come your here don't you have to dance?" She asked, kissing his cheek, still wriggling with excitement.

"I've got a little break, I have to go at half six but I've got a couple of hours to snuggle my Connie-girl, is that okay?" Joe asked, kissing her cheek back, his hand twisting her hair in their bunches.

"Yes! Come on say hello to Nanny before we watch a film," Connie instructed, pulling him out of the fort.

"Hi mum," Joe said, kissing Tracey's cheek.

"Hi love, how's your day been?" She asked, placing her hands on his cheeks to look at his face.

"Not too bad, Dianne's feeling quite confident about tomorrow so we'll see. What time are you going to the airport?" Joe asked, realising his mum was going to Portugal on Sunday.

"I've booked a car to get me from here at 5 am on Sunday," she recalled to him.

"Okay, and when are you back?" Joe asked, trying to figure out when he'd need to get help with Connie until.

"2 weeks, but don't forget Dad's back from Italy next Sunday." She said, pointing at his calendar.

"Okay, so I need to make sure to ask Zo for help on Friday and Saturday." Joe noted, as Connie came and tugged on his hand.

"Can I has a biscuit and some juice?" She asked, giving him doe eyes.

"Yep, you get your biscuit and I'll get your juice," Joe said, ruffling her hair.

"You'll be okay without me love, I know you worry about Connie being looked after by other people but it'll be okay. You've got loads of people ready to drop everything and help if you need. Don't forget Tanya and Jim have offered as well." Tracey said, as Joe mixed together some black current for himself and Connie.

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