Sunday Sugg Snuggles All 'Round

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"Dada, Daddy," a pair of hands drummed on Joe's head, pulling him ungracefully from his sleep.

"What?" Joe mumbled not opening his eyes.

"Dianne's pretty when she sleeps, can I cuddle too?" he heard, his eyes instantly opening. Becoming ever more awake, he realised the reason Connie had asked him this was because Dianne had come back to his last night and they had both slept on the couch because Tracey was asleep in his bed.

"Gentle," Joe said, as he lifted her onto him, avoiding Dianne's arm which was draped over his stomach.

"Why is Dianne here, snuggled up?" She asked, once Joe had moved Dianne's hand up to his shoulder so Connie could lay down.

"Erm..." how do you explain we had a couple of drinks each, are absolutely knackered, love each other and wanted to sleep next to each other because we've been apart the entire week to a four year old. "Nanny's in Daddy's bed so we slept on the couch."

"Yes, but why's Dianne here now, it's not lunchtime yet." Connie persisted, Joe stopping her hand from reaching Dianne's head, knowing she'd probably manage to wake Dianne up some how.

"Well, erm, her flat er has broken heating so she's staying here whilst it gets fixed today." Joe decided to lie completely, knowing it would go over her head.

"It's freezing there," a tired voice form next to them said.

"Dianne you're awake," Joe couldn't stop Connie's finger pulling Dianne's eyelid up, quick enough.

"Connie no," he pulled her hand away, as Dianne turned her head into his shoulder more, "poor Dianne's just woken up, and you could have hurt her eye." Joe said, stroking Dianne's hair with his other hand. "You okay Di?"

"Fine, just a bit tired Connie, so I'll keep my eyes closed," Dianne said, patting the only part of Connie she could find, which was her leg.

"Sorry, I'll hold your hand," Connie said, and laid her tiny hand on Dianne's.

"I'm bored," Connie whined, when neither Joe or Dianne carried on speaking.

"Switch toons on." Joe told her, blindly reaching for the remotes that were by his head. Connie sat up on his belly, and switched the TV on, flicking to the cartoons easily.

Joe rubbed Dianne's back when he felt her kiss his arm. "We're through," she whispered, smiling against his skin.

"We are, Blackpool baby," he replied back quietly, pulling the blanket up her a bit more, feeling her cold skin.

"Are you okay if I go the loo, Connie's sat on my bladder."

"Go on," Dianne laughed, rolling back as much as she could, which was not a lot because she was sandwiched between Joe and the couch.

"Connie, I'm just going to move you for a sec so I can go for a wee," Joe said, as he picked her up and deposited her behind his head. "Be nice to Dianne, let her be sleepy," he warned, as he got up, Dianne falling onto her stomach, eyes still shut. He resisted the urge to stroke her hair or kiss her head, instead squeezing her hand 3 times.

Once he had done his business, he checked the time on his way back to his girls. It was a solid 7am, prompting him to think along the lines of definitely going to have a nap, scratch that, need a nap, later. Yawning, he sat next to Connie, knowing he probably couldn't get away with snuggling Dianne anymore.

"Can you get me a coffee?" Dianne asked, patting his foot. As much as she was trying to peel her eyes open she couldn't. The past week, with its mixture of stress, anger an lack if sleep, had taken it right out of her and had she been at her's she probably wouldn't have woken until 9 or 10 am. However, at Joe's she wanted to wake up and be a good guest, not just use him for his sofa and blankets.

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