'Bring Your Connie to Strictly' Day

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"Okay Connie my love, are you ready to see the studio, where Daddy has been working the last few weeks?" Joe asked, once he had buzzed them into the building.

"Yep, will I get to see Dot?" She asked, looking up at him, swinging her school bag.

"Of course, I think she's just practicing with the other professional dancers at the moment, so it might be a little time. But there's tonnes of people to meet." Joe said, picking her up, as she started to lag. He was hoping they wouldn't run into anyone yet he wanted to introduce her to as many people as possible at once. "We're just going to go to Daddy's dressing room, so we can put some proper clothes on you get you out of this itchy thing," Joe said, pulling at her uniform. "Then," he said, turning the corner to the corridor that had his dressing room on, "Grandad Graham is going to get you at about half seven and take you home, sound good?" He asked her, kissing her head. She nodded, as Joe pushed the door open for them.

"Can I have food here?" Connie asked, when Joe put her on the sofa.

"You can, we'll get changed first, would you like some chocolate whilst you wait?" Joe asked, opening the fridge so Connie can see his stash.

"Can I?" Connie asked, jumping up, surprised he was letting her.

"Yep, you can have four," Joe said, taking his coat off, opening her bag.

"Five, my age add one?" Connie asked, taking out the flipz pretzels, the love for them clearly running in the family

"Go on then, right, let's find your clothes, I got you 2 options," Joe said, opening his duffel bag. "First, is this dress, tights and a cardie, or we have jeans an a top."

"First one so when I spin like Dianne it's all pretty." Connie said, with a pretzel half in her mouth.

"Okay, let's get you in that, take your coat off." Joe said, taking a pretzel for himself.

"And my uniform?" Connie asked, wanting to be as self dependent as possible.

"Yeah, are you going to try and get completely dressed on your own?" Joe said, as he pulled his ballroom shoes on.

"Yep, only fing I can't do is my shoe buckle," Connie said, holding her for out for Joe.

"Shall I show you how?" Joe asked, wondering if she was up for learning a new skill.

"No wait, I know how to undo them, not do them," Connie said, undoing it easily.

"Okay then we'll learn how to do them another time, we need to get some food in you before you turn into a monster." Joe joked, as she took her jumper off. Next she lifted her pinafore over her head and passed it to Joe who folded it neatly and put it in the bag. She took her top off and shivered, as her vest had ridden up. "Look at that belly, so cute," Joe said, blowing a raspberry on it.

"Daddy stop!" Connie said, trying to escape his grip.

"No, I've got you now!" Joe cheered, lifting her up.

"I cold, I need clothes," Connie said, trying to help herself down.

"I'll let you off this time. Come here," Joe said, grabbing the dress which was yellow. "Wait we need to change tights, you need white tights." Joe said and he got them ready for her to step into as she pulled the other ones off.

"Arms up," Joe said, once she was in her tights and her vest was pulled down. Connie followed his actions and turned so he could zip it and tie it. "You look beautiful, here put this cardie on and then we'll put your coat on." Joe said, knowing shed be cold for a while.

"Right, let's go and get some food and meet people, grab your bag, we can do you homework now so we don't have to worry for ages." Joe said, remembering it was half term next week and she'd want to have as much fun playing and not think about school. Joe held her hand and took her downstairs to the star bar where he could get her some lunch on a friday.

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