Gooey Insides

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"Dianne!" Connie said, wrapping the Dancer's legs in a hug.

"Hi Flower, where's Daddy?" Dianne said, usually he was right behind Connie at the door, having buzzed her up.

"He's getting the trismas tree up there," Connie pointed up the stairs to Joe who was balancing on one foot, on a ladder, at the top of the stairs, on the landing.

"Joseph Sugg, what are you doing, nobody's spotting you?" Dianne rushed up the stairs, bag still in the crook of her arm.

"I'm okay, I'm okay, calm down Honey," Joe said, sticking his head out of the attic.

"Calm down Joe, calm down? Joe Sugg you're balancing on one foot on a ladder not that far away from a flight of stairs. Couldn't your Dad have done it for you?" Dianne asked, holding the ladder steady.

"I'm alright, look, Christmas tree secured, I've already got the decorations, I'm okay," Joe said, stepping down the ladder holding Connie's smaller Christmas tree.

"Please don't do that again," Dianne said into his chest, her arms wrapped tightly around his waist, bag forgotten at her feet.

"Hey, I'm okay," Joe lifted her chin so she was looking at him, "I'm okay."

"Trismas tree, trismas tree, yay, yay, yay!" Connie singsonged as she bounced up the stairs waving her arms in a dance.

"Look, it survived the loft," Joe said, brushing the box off, Dianne was still holding him tight, her heart still beating way to fast, "you were so worried when we put it away last year."

"Carry it down Daddy, carry it, hurry," she pushed the box in between Joe and Dianne.

"Connie, would you like it if Dianne was my girlfriend?" Joe said, as he transported the box down the stairs, both his girls behind him.

"Like in love, like maybe you will be married. Like Auntie Zöe and Uncle Alfie? And Caspar and his Girlfriend?" Connie clarified, tugging on Dianne's hand because she had stopped mid step; completely stunned.

"Yeah," Joe stopped on the stairs to look at her. He didn't know quite what had come over him, whether it was the Christmas spirit or something all together different, but he felt compelled to tell Connie. To come clean.

"That would be the bestest thing in the whole wide world," Connie said honestly and tried dragging the box to her room.

"Connie, Connie, I've got a secret to tell you," Joe got the little girl's attention, he was now crouching. The little girl abandoned the box at the threshold and ran over. Joe picked her up and whispered in her ear, "we are sweetheart, Dianne and I are in love. Just like you wanted us to be. Dot is my girlfriend."

"Really? Dianne, Dianne, Daddy, my Dasdy says you love him and he loves you and you are boyfriend and girlfriend and you are in love and you love him and he loves you," Connie rushed out in one breath, it felt like her head was going to explode.

"Yes, Darl, yeah," she nodded, the opposite of Connie; lost for words.

Connie looked at Joe, little tears in her eyes. She stuck her bottom lip out in an attempt to stop. It was evidently futile as Joe caught one with his finger.

"No, don't cry, what's wrong," Joe rushed, he felt his stomach drop through the floor. He had been sure Connie wanted this, she had got them together after all.

"I am happy, my eyes are just crying," Connie said, she was confused herself. Dianne stepped forward and wiped her eyes for her.

"They're called happy tears, they're a good thing, it means you're so happy," Joe explained kissing her cheek and Dianne's head, "I love you both."

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