The Nativity

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"We hoped you liked our story, bye," the entirety of the lower half of Connie's school said and filed out of the hall to rapturous applause.

"I'm close to tears and she didn't even do anything," Joe said to his mum and they stood to leave, gathering their things together.

"It's probably pride son, and a bit of nostalgia. It probably doesn't feel all that long ago that you were doing it, eh?" Tracey said, rubbing his arm.

"I guess, it just feels real you know. Like she's been in nursery and stuff but now it's real," Joe smiled, it was a bittersweet feeling to have. It was as though the world was quantifying over four and a half years of having her by reminding him that she was learning in a school. She wasn't a baby who needed 24 hour attention anymore. She didn't fit curled up on his chest or gnaw on his chin to teeth. No she was growing up, performing in plays and learning how to count higher than 50.

"You big softy," Graham teased, though he was secretly impressed by his son and how much of a good dad he was to his daughter.

"Like you can talk Graham, we all saw you tear up when she waved," Tracey retorted and Joe was thrown back into the past. Back to his childhood where his parents would joke and tease. He had noticed that Connie being born had brought them back together. As though she had plastered up the cracks the divorce had caused.

"Come on, let's go and wait for Connie." His mum said and pulled him out of the assembly hall to the school entrance where they were to wait and collect their kids.

"Daddy did you see me, did you see me?" Connie asked, she ended up being one of the last kids to come out.

"I did, I'm so proud Connie Louise Sugg, so so proud, my big girl," Joe said, picking her up. She had taken her shepherd costume off now and put her school uniform on, but her pinafore seemed to be the wrong way around, which only made her look cuter.

"I'm tired, can we go home?" Connie asked, after Tracey and Graham both congratulated her on her star performance as 'reception class shepherd number 2'.

"Yes, Nanny and Grandad are going to take you home and I have to go and do some more dancing with Dianne." Joe explained, he had invited Dianne along to see the play but they had both quickly realised that wouldn't be wise if they wanted to remain hidden from the public. 'Maybe next time' Dianne had told Connie when she asked about it.

"But I need you to tuck me in," Connie said, as the three adults walked to the car.

"Just 2 more weeks angel and I'll be able to. 2 weeks, and Auntie Brit is coming next week!" Joe said, in an effort to cheer her up.

"Where will she stay?" Connie asked, as Joe put her in her car seat in the back of Tracey's car.

"On the couch probably," Joe said, he hadn't such as thought about that and he would need to. The past few months had mad him realise that he desperately needed a sofa bed in the office. That or a new house. "Right she's in, I'll see you," Joe said, going to close the door.

"Don't be silly, we'll drop you at the studio, it's not too far away. Get in," Tracey said, nodding her head to the back. Joe knew better than to argue with his mum so climbed in quickly and held Connie's hand, as she requested.

"So how's Dianne?" Graham asked, he was probably the first to successfully guess that his son now had a Girlfriend. They way she had comforted him in the hotel was not the way someone comforted only an acquaintance.


"Daddy and Dianne are in love, they're boyfriend and Girlfriend, they love each other," Connie told them excitedly, interrupting her Dad.

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