Ecstatic, Elated and Over the Moon

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"I am so sore," Joe groaned, as he climbed onto the stool.

"Your back?" Dianne asked, through a mouthful of food.

"Yeah, and my shoulders, oh my god." Joe said, as he twisted his head side to side.

"I'll sort you out later, it's just the Passo catching up on you," Dianne said, squeezing his knee.

"Oh, you'll sort me out will ya?" Joe nudged her, as he took a bite of his food.

"Head out of the gutter, a massage Joseph, I know I'm sleeping in your bed tonight but nothing's going to happen," Dianne joked, enjoying this side of him.

"ooh, I can't wait for the cuddles oh and I can do this..." He turned her chair and kissed her gently.

"This feels a little weird, like we're doing something we shouldn't." Dianne turned back to her meal.

"We sort of are, we're giving into the 'curse', so to spesk. And like every kiss since the first we've been at risk of being caught by someone." Joe pointed out, carrying on eating, although now he was holding her hand, maneuvering his fork with his opposite hand.

"Very good point," she nodded, "so I told Johannes," Dianne said, looking at Joe.

"Did he freak?" Joe asked, trying to judge his reaction from her face.

"Mm, no he was just like oh mah gahd Di-anne I knew it," she tried to do a
South African accent, tried being the key word here.

"That was the most abysmal accent I've ever heard," Joe laughed.

"Stop, just because you're amazing," she shoved him, having let go of his hand.

"Sorry baby," he kissed the side of her head, "that's good that he knows at least."

"Yeah, so I was thinking, and please stop me if this is the shitest idea ever but, maybe you could come to mine tomorrow, so that we're not always at yours and like you don't have to get arrangements for Con so it's the perfect time, but I'm chill here if not." Dianne rambled, she had been working up the courage all day.

"I'd love to, you're sure Johannes wouldn't mind?"

"Course he won't, my flat's not nice like this but it has been home." Dianne explained, through a mouthful.

"I don't care about your flat my dear, I don't care if it's smelly and rotten, if it has you then it will be incredible." Joe kissed her cheek, as she was still eating.

"You flatter me, Joseph Suggary," Dianne said, holding his hand again.


"Why do we always end up nearly falling asleep on the sofa?" Joe asked, as Dianne readjusted her position and settled into his collarbone yawning.

"It's our thing Joseph, speaking of bed though, can we go because as much as I don't mind sleeping on the sofa yawn I'd like to not." Dianne said, his hand running along her ribs.

"Course, come on," Joe said, getting up, pulling her up with him, "you go on up, I'll just lock up and stuff."

Dianne nodded, shouldered her bag and walked upstairs, whilst Joe busied himself with locking up. On autopilot, he found himself, as he always did, walking to Connie's room. However, he stopped before he reached the door and turned himself around.

"I need a hug," Joe admitted as he came into his bedroom.

Immediately she put her phone down and wrapping him in a hug, kissing his cheek.

"I miss my baby," Joe answered Dianne's unspoken question.

"I know," Dianne said, rubbing his back. He had let slip that this was the longest she would be away from him but still be in the same country and he was finding it hard to comprehend. She was so near but just unattainable and it was proving way more difficult than he wanted.

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