She's Sick

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"I want Daddy to stay," Connie cried, as Joe wheeled his suitcase to the door. It was now Thursday and he had just come back to the flat to get his stuff and say goodbye before his train. He had also come back to check on Connie who was particularly under the weather and hadn't been in school that day.

It turns out his week didn't really improve.

Joe noticed she was acting off at breakfast and when Tracey picked her up from school later on in the day on Wednesday Connie had mentioned, through tears that, her tummy was still hurting. To add to this, the staff had passed a message on saying she hadn't eaten much at all. By 9pm, when Joe returned, Connie had spiked a temperature, was feeling very unwell and had quite the upset stomach. Unfortunately, it hadn't improved much with sleep or Daddy cuddles and she had stayed of on the Thursday with similar complaints. In fact, it seemed she was getting worse. This, obviously, wasn't helping Joe remain calm for the biggest show on Strictly so far. To put it simple he was a bag of nerves and had twice considered dripping out to look after his poorly girl.

"He can't angel, he has to work," Tracey said, rubbing her back to get her to calm down.

"But I poorly and Daddy stays with me when I sickie," Connie said into her shoulder. Joe's heart was breaking, this was set to be the hardest weekend so far.

"I'm so sorry I can't Connie, if I could I would stay. But I have to work, come here, come and give me a hug." Tracey passed her over carefully.

Joe held her warm body closer to him, trying to send all his healing powers to her. She was crying into his shoulder and she kept pushing her warm head further into him, "oh baby, I'm sorry."

"I want to go to school tomorrow," Connie said, changing the subject slightly.

"You'll only be able to go if you've not got an upset tummy Poppet. You could make your friends poorly too if you go to school not very well. Nanny's going to call me tomorrow morning and I'll decide if you're well enough with her okay?" Joe explained, though he was certain she wouldn't be going in. His mum had warned him that this was likely the start of a sickness bug and she would have to get worse before she got better.

"I come with you then," Connie suggested into his shoulder, she was feeling tired, upset and unwell.

"Not this time baby, you have to stay here and get better, so you can go to school. Right, I'll give you back to Nanny now, I love you," Joe reminded her, as she was given back to Tracey.

Then a lot happened, that had never happened before, very quickly. Connie began screaming, something she definitely hadn't done since she was a toddler. Tracey hurried Joe up, knowing him delaying was making it worse. Then, it was like his world slowed down. Connie sat up from Tracey's shoulder and coughed, vomiting everywhere. Thankfully Joe and his case were out of the firing line.

"Oh dear, you made yourself sick Connie, come on try to calm down and breathe." Tracey said calmly, not to Connie at all but to Joe who was stood horrified, "she's just got herself in a tiz Joe, you get going, say goodbye to Daddy, Connie."

"Really, definitely, I can get the later train or go tomo-"

"No Joseph, say goodbye, were okay, see she's calmed down significantly," Tracey said, stepping over the puddle with Connie who was dazed.

"Bye angel, I hope you feel better soon," Joe said, kissing her head.

"Bye Love, do us proud," Tracey said, as she pushed him out the door.


"What's up, you've been ever so quiet?" Dianne asked, when Kevin and Stacey both turned back around to talk to other people on the train. She took Joe's hand into her'sunder his jacket so no one could see,"is it because Connie's sick? Because Joe you can't feel guilty, you can't avoid it. And she'll be the same sick now with your mum than if you were there."

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