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When he woke on Tuesday, Joe could tell it was going to be a bad day. Normally on days like this, when he wasn't being 'Joe Sugg, strictly underdog' he would run Connie to school, come home and get back into bed until she needed picking up. Unfortunately, as you may have gathered, hell would be visited by Elsa and Jack Frost before that would ever happen.

Hell would be visited by Elsa and Jack Frost? Jesus I've had a kid for too long.

The first confirmation of his right to feel low came in the form of a politely typed text message from Elise:

Morning Joe, I'm so sorry to be telling you this, but I've fallen ill and won't be able to look after Connie. It is likely I will be out for the rest of the week, I'm so sorry for any inconvenience made. Elise x

Joe had wanted to scream, today of all days, but he restrained himself and sent a reply wishing her well.

So not only would he have to sit through parent's evening, which he remembered from his school days being an awful waste of time, but he would also have to sort out childcare.

He rang his mum as soon as he processed the situation.

"I won't be able to come tonight, I'm still in Manchester, but of course I'll come and look after her tomorrow," she had told him.

"What do I do about tonight, there's going to be an hour where I don't have childcare, I'm sure Di will watch her for me during parent's evening but what about that time in between?"

"I'm not sure okay, but I know you'll figure it out," Tracey said unhelpfully, "just calm down and think, call Dianne first, make sure she'll do that for you."

"Okay, bye, see you tomorrow," Joe said, rushed, he wanted to sort this before Connie came looking for him.

"Di, sorry, I didn't wake you did I?"

"No, go on, what's up you sound stressed?" Dianne said calmly, he had definitely woken her up at 6:30 but she wasn't about to tell him.

"Elise, babysitter Elise, is sick so would you be able to watch Connie whilst I'm at parent's evening? I don't know who's going to take her in between them but would you?" Joe rushed out, so quickly that it took Dianne a while to process.

"Of course I will, why don't you see of Janette will pick her up and stuff, she was offering the other day. She could literally pick her up, take her to yours and I could meet her and you could go to the school?" Dianne suggested calmly, hoping to send her chilled tone through the phone to him and calm him down.

"You're a genius, thank you Dianne, thank you."

They said their goodbyes quickly and Joe sent a quick message to Janette:

Having the biggest childcare problem. Need someone to pick Connie up from afterschool club and take her home and watch her for an hour or so until Dianne can make it over to mine. Was wondering if you could do that, call me if you can xx
Sorry if this wakes you x

To his complete shock he got a reply immediately:

I would love to! I'd call but I sound like a man rn. Just send over the details. I could even pick her up earlier if you wanted, not doing a lot any more lol! Xx

Janette Manrara, you absolute legend, thanks. You can pick her up anytime from 3:30 from *insert plausible address here* and take her back to mine. The key will be in her school bag in an envelope. You don't have to feed her tea or anything, just keep her entertained and maybe give her a snack. Thank you so much, Any questions just call. Thank you, Joe xx

Two Become Three- A Joanne StoryWhere stories live. Discover now