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"Well done, I'm proud of you, I mean I'm always proud of you but especially after tonight," Joe heard Dianne say to him through the swarm of thoughts that had erupted in his mind the minute she had pulled him into a dressing room and wrapped him in a huge hug.

"Thanks" he whispered, the adrenaline from the vote offs was beginning to wear off, and aside from his mind, he was beginning to grow tired. He hadn't slept much, not that he ever did anymore, but especially not because his mind had been realing about her the whole night. Making lists of pros and cons of why it was worth telling her. Wondering how Connie would react. Wondering if Connie was okay. If she was still upset.

"What's up?" Dianne asked him, noticing how his grip had loosened on her slightly. When she leaned back she observed a concerned, worried look on his face.

"Oh nothing, just thinking about Con, I, yeah." He sighed, not wanting to tell all on his mind quite yet.

"Okay, well if you want to talk just let me know," Dianne said, knowing it wasn't the right time to push him for a reason for the quietness.

"I've got a bit of chill time before I need to do the pro dance, can I stay here, I don't feel like being in the madness of the girl's dressing room?" Dianne asked, as Joe sat down, sending a message to his mum that he had made it through.

"Oh er yeah, of course, sorry I'm just suddenly knackered," Joe said, with a yawn, as if to emphasise his point.

"Any videos of Connie to show me?" She asked, taking her shoes off, sitting down next to him. She was half hoping they would wake and cheer him up a little.

"The mandatory Connie's reaction to Daddy on the TV." He smiled, exiting text and going into his camera roll to show her. Dianne smiled too, watching how he instantly lit up talking about Connie.

"Aww, look at that face, she's proud," Dianne said, nudging his side, as the watched the video of Connie watching them, the awe evident on her face.

"D'you think?" Joe asked, looking at his partner, who's face was centimetres away from his own.

"I know so," Dianne whispered, looking at him too. They were so close they could kiss. Dianne watched Joe's eyes flick to her lips for one second and then back to her eyes. It was taking all of her will power not to do the same. Joe's hand was moving up to her face, Diannes hand found his arm. They were leaning in until...

"Call for wardrobe Joe, we need you clothes back and if you see Dianne tell her the same" a voice said from the other side of the door, making them jump away.

"Okay," Joe replied, a hand going to the back of his neck in nervousness.

"We best get going," Dianne said, sure a bright red blush would be visible on her cheeks if she hadn't been wearing so much stage makeup.

"Yeah," Joe breathed, not quite believing the situation he had just found himself in.

"I've stolen your jacket again," Dianne pointed out, as they were walking down the empty corridor.

"Oh yeah, I'm definitely going to have to name you jacket thief," Joe laughed, glad the awkwardness had only lasted a few second.

"Well when you offer it to me because I complain, you're going to have to get used to me wearing it." Dianne said, pressing it into his arms.

"I'll keep that in mind, Dianne likes being cold don't offer her your jacket," Joe said making her laugh her sweet laugh.

"Hello you two, can we have your costumes please and Dianne could you get into your next one. Once we've got yours joe you're good to go."  One of the runners said, as they entered wardrobe.

Two Become Three- A Joanne StoryWhere stories live. Discover now