You're Strong

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Joe sat down on the bench watching Connie. They had both woken up early for entirely different reasons. Connie had woken up because her tummy was rumbling; she had forgotten to ask her Daddy for a snack the previous night. Joe had woken up because the bed was cold and empty for the first time in what felt like forever. That and there was a nightmare.

Joe waved at Connie who had got all the way up to the climbing frame to the very top. She had been asking to go to the park for days and Joe had decided the only safe time to take her was the morning, when the pap wouldn't be out.

His thoughts were interrupted by a buzzing in his pocket and that pulled a bright smile onto his face.

"My love," he answered, beaming when he saw her sunkissed face.

"Not at home?" Dianne asked, once she had said hello.

"No, decided to leave the house early to take little to the park. How has your day been?" He asked, looking over the camera to make sure Connie was safe. She was happily playing on the bridge by the playhouse.

"Ace, went with Andrew and his Girlfriend to this lake thing. And now we're back for the Buswell Christmas party. Starts about 6 and I should be getting ready but I can't really be bothered. Anyway, how are you? You look well, you look quite tired actually," Dianne said and frowned.

Joe just nodded, not wanting to get too into it.

"Tough night honey? Did Con not sleep great?" Dianne offered a solution.

"More me, I er, I had a few nightmares and stuff you know about the pap and also this time of year always brings back some memories."

"Do you want to tell me it? That's how we'd solve it if I was next to you," Dianne asked him, moving to her bedroom so the conversation felt a bit more private.

He nodded and took a deep breath as he checked Connie was okay. She seemed to be lost in a world of her own so Joe looked back at the camera at his girlfriend's kind face and let the story out. "Christmas day was when she was about 5 months pregnant, she had a complete freak out. Her mum called me to say she hadn't shown up to dinner and asked if I knew where she was. I didn't and spent the majority of my afternoon looking for her. Turns out she drove to the abortion clinic but it was closed. The nightmare is always me finding her and Lou screaming. Anyway it was not the best year. And it always comes back," Joe explained, and it suddenly felt like the tears were creeping up.

"I'm sorry to hear, I'm sending you a virtual hug and kiss on the head. You're strong my honey, you're okay," Dianne reminded him, all she could think about was how he could do with some human contact and a few therapy sessions. He had clearly been holding all these experiences in for so long that he had some deep set trauma. She made a note to ask him about it when she got back.

"Oh Joe," she frowned, seeing the tears fall from his eyes.

"No, no I'm alright, honest," he wiped his tears away and put on the falsest smile Dianne had ever seen. She was about to question why he'd done it when she heard, "Daddy count and ven I'll go."

"I'll turn the camera 'round," he said to Dianne and then counted down for Connie, who was sat on a curly slide. "Woah, look how fast you were going," Joe cheered, as she ran over, "guess who's on the phone."

"Dianne! Hi, how's Straya? It looks so sunny, what time is it? And also are your your I've forgot the words your Mia and Billy there? And how long until you come home?" Connie reeled, sitting next to her dad so she could see the screen.

"Woah that was a lot of question, let's see if I can answer them all," Dianne laughed, and pretended to stroke her beard, "Australia is great, it's very hot because it's about 4pm so its very sunny. Erm Mia and Billy, my Niece and Nephew, are not here but they're coming later because my mum and dad are having a party. And the last question was how long until I come back so there's a little bit more than 8 days until I come back. Was that everything?"

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