The Future

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"Debbie said 'I think she'd rather have an egg'!" Joe read the line in a highpitched posh accent and it made Connie and the two women in the room laugh. "Mog had a medal and she also had an egg everyday for breakfast. Mr and Mrs Thomas told all their friends about her they said," Joe paused to clear his throat and smiled as Connie and Dianne giggled in anticipation, "Mog is really remarkable." he did this voice as a posh lady speaking, "and they never or almost never said 'bother that cat'. The end!"

"Thank you Daddy, that was so good!" Connie cheered and kissed his cheek and Joe closed the book and passed it to Dianne who returned it to it's place on the bookshelf. 

"No problem, say goodnight to Auntie Brit and Dot and then I'll tuck you in," Joe said and he got out of her bed and stepped aside for the American and the Australian.

"Night night Honey, we're going to have a fun day tomorrow," Brit said, kissing her on the forehead. Brit was set to stay with a few of her British friends this week, starting with Joe on Sunday night before his training for the final kicked off. She had offered to watch Connie for the day to give both of his parents a break before they had her for the rest of the week until Saturday night. 

"I excited!" Connie yawned.

"Night sweetie-pie, one more week and then Daddy'll be home for good," Dianne pushed a curl from Connie's cheek. 

"But you'll still stay?" Connie suddenly looked worried and held onto Dianne's neck tightly. 

"Di's going to go home to see her Mum and Dad and then she'll be back. But, don't forget she's coming with us and Auntie Zo and Uncle Alf to the treehouses," Joe stepped in and explained, crouching next to Dianne, who had also taken to her knees in order to not wreck her back.

"But you'll definitely come back?" The little girl looked as if she might cry.

"I promise, I love you way too much not to. Do you want to know the day I'll be back?" Dianne suggested, stroking Connie's hair.

"Can you write your name on Daddy's calendar?" She asked, big Disney eyes locked on hers.

"Yes, is that alright now, can I say goodnight, Poppet?" She had picked up that nickname from Joe and it had seemed to stick.

"I love you," Connie said and pulled Dianne's head closer, "I love you from here," she put Dianne's hand on her chest, "to the moon and further then all the way back."

And it was in that moment that Joe knew he had made the right choice in introducing Connie to Dianne.

"Okay, I'll see you in the living room," Joe said, kissing the side of Dianne's head as she sat upright.

"Do you want me to get in big girl?" Joe was, for once, milking bedtime for all it was worth before he didn't see Connie for basically the week.

"Will Dianne be my Mummy one day?" She asked, after Joe had got in next to her.

"Why do you ask?" He was stalling to try and pluck an answer from somewhere.

"I want her to be, if I can't have my really Mum who grew me in her belly then I want a new one and Dot is perfect," Connie articulated and Joe nodded in understanding.

"I don't know Connie, if I'm honest, it's not that easy to guess. We just have to see. But in the meantime you've got Nanny and Auntie Zöe, who are like your Mum," Joe said, he had concluded he didn't know how to answer Connie's question. In his dreams he could see his entire life with Dianne. He could see a wedding and more kids and, though he would never tell either, Connie calling her Mum forever.

"Okay, can you remind me what's happening again, I keep 'getting."

"Yeah, so Brit has you all tomorrow, then Nanny's getting you from bed tomorrow night. Then on Thursday night Grandad Graham is going to have you at his. Then on Sunday I will come and get you okay?" Joe asked, he had originally planned to have her at home for the whole week but he had realised tensions would be high and he would stress out more with her there. Her being occupied by someone who loves her was easier than him being worried she was feeling neglected.

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