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"How long Dada, I bored."

Joe sighed, hearing Connie ask that again. They should have been there by now but they had been trailed by a pap for most of the journey, so Joe had had to take a considerable detour and pull into a random driveway in order to loose him. This meant they had been sat in the car nearing 3 hours rather than the usual 2. He was apprehensive to stop- worried the pap would catch up and see Connie. The video hadn't been posted yet so he was trying to get them there so they didn't get spotted. 

"I feel sickie Daddy," Connie whined a further 5 minutes later.

"Do you actually or are you just saying that so we have to stop?" Joe asked, his temper had become shorter and shorter as the drive went on. He  lookee in his mirror at her and frowned. Connie quite regularly got car sick, but he usually stopped before it could happen. 2 hours was her cut off and that had been well surpassed. "We'll stop, you don't look too well actually. Di, would you pass Connie the bag just in case?" Joe he launched into Dad mode again, and was searching for safe placed to stop. Who cared about the pap, she was going to throw up in a rental car if not.

"Hold it in Con, I'm just pulling in," Joe said urgently as he pulled over in a lay by. Dianne was twisted holding a bag for her, whilst Connie started coughing. Joe jumped out and speedily unbuckled Connie. It was just in time as he held her out of the car and she wretched and covered his shoes. He put her down, facing her to the car and rubbed her back.

"You poor thing," Dianne cooed, passing Joe a water bottle and the wipes he was grateful he had remembered to pack.

"You alright, you're pale too?" Joe asked, brushing some hair off Dianne's cheek.

"I was feeling a bit car sick too, but I'm okay," Dianne told him, as Connie stood up.

"Better sweetie?" Joe asked, crouching.

Connie nodded and turned into Joe. He picked her up and passed her the water bottle, "rinse your mouth out Little Bug, then we'll get back in, we've only got 25 minutes."

"Ready to get back in?" Joe asked, wiping her mouth for her.

"Here you snuggle Dot," Joe said, when she shook her head, "I just need to clean my shoes."

"I feel a bit poorly too Connie, we're nearly there," Dianne said refraining from rocking Connie like she normally would.

"Thank goodness I bought more shoes eh Con? Do you want to take your jumper off, cool you down a bit," Joe said, as he took his vans off and pushed his feet into some converse. "Well your colour's back, I say we get going." Joe said, once he had folded her jumper and washed away the evidence.

"You on the other hand," he said, once Connie was strapped in and her door was closed, "still don't look well, are you sure you're okay?"

"Fine, I'll just have the window down," Dianne said, as Joe hugged her tightly. He nodded and kissed her forehead before opening her door for her.

"Righty let's get going before someone else is sick."


"Auntie Zoe!" Connie shouted, leaving her Dad and Dianne sat on the sofa by the fireplace, running over to her auntie.

"Hi gorgeous girl, where's Daddy?" She asked, picking Connie up.

"In ver, by the fire, I been playing. Hi uncle Alfie," she nattered, waving to Alfie.

"Hi Con," Alfie whispered, making Connie frown.

"Uncle Alfie's got a cold Twinkle, where's Daddy then, this way?" She asked pointing to the room she knew had a fire.

Two Become Three- A Joanne StoryWhere stories live. Discover now