The End?????

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Hiya my lovely readers! 

So there concludes Two Become Three. 

The outpooring love I have recieved as I wrote this, the friends I have made and the fun I have had has made writing this so much more pleasurable. 

I've seen your comments and I wanted to address a few things. 

From the beginning I had no idea where this book was going to go. I envisioned finishing it with the final but I soon, as many of you have, fell in love with Connie, Joe and Dianne's story. I found an ending about a week ago, but I envisioned the book lasting a few more chapters before all that drama went down. However, as many of you know planning is not something I do so when I began to write the penultimate chapter I suddenly found myself writing just that- the penultimate chapter of a bok that has been a journey. I have loved writing it so much and none of that love would have been so much if i hadn't felt the buzz from you guys. 

So, with that in mind, I'm sure many of you will be happy to know that I *plan* to make 2B3 a TRILOGY SERIES! The next book will be out ASAP and I will of course let you know when it comes out!

In the meantime, as you may know, I have 3 other books that may or may not tickle your fancy and keep you occupied with the *hopefully not too long* wait. 

1st book- Joanne Suggwell One Shots (this is the book that the original 2 chapters came from) this book is lots of short stories all based around Joe and Dianne in different stage of their lives. There are chaps with them as parents, chaps with their strictly journey, things from vlogs, things totally made up, you name it, I've possibly written it. 

2nd book- Joanne Suggwell One Shots 2- exactly the same as that one up there ⬆️⬆️

3rd book- Birthday oneshots- a small set of one shots all based off their birthday giving a hypothitcal thought to what can happen over a year to our favourite couple. 

That's all for now, 

Ta again for everything,

H xxxxx

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