I'll Always Love You

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The first social post Joe made since he had posted the video, than had been well received by most, was an Insta story of Dianne's bowl of cereal and Connie's colourful cup with Connie's little hand holding it. He felt it gave enough away without invading her privacy, or being too permanent. He laid back, Dianne having gone with Connie to watch cartoons in the other room, and watched the fan responses.

"What've you dine with squirt?" Joe asked, when Dianne came back in, disrupting his scrolling.

"Your daughter," Dianne said pointedly, "is watching tv with her Aunt, living her best life as she munches on a croissant. I thought I'd come and get you up."

"Oh really?" Joe smirked, rolling away from her.

"Have you started your vlog like you said you would?" Dianne asked, getting back in next to him.

"Yep, and addressed the whole Nan and Connie thing. Why don't you go back through and I'll follow, I'm going to film more today," Joe said, pushing her away.

"Fine, you best hurry up though, Connie and me have nearly aten, eaten, no, aten yeah. We've nearly aten all of your breakfast," Dianne said and scurried off, out of the room before Joe could correct her.

"Actually Joe," She came back in, looking flatter, deflated.

"Yes Honey?" Joe said softly, pulling the cover back for her, patting the mattress. Her whole nature had changed, she suddenly seemed a little more deminished and thoughtful.

"No it's fine, never mind, come on slowcoach," Dianne said and suddenly she was bouncy again,

"You sure? We can talk if you want. We've got plenty of time," he said softly, wrapping her in a hug.

"Nah, I'm okay," Dianne said and dragged him out of the room before he could ask much more. Joe frowned but put a smile on his face when Connie ran and wrapped herself around his legs.


"Do you want your toys back? Will you be good?" Joe asked, crouching down so he was on Joe's level.

"The best! Can I come with you?" she asked, pulling Joe towards the front door, best she could.

"Well I'm still in my onesie and so are you so why don't we eat a bit of breakfast and get changed and then go?" Joe suggested, picking her up so she stopped pulling and bringing her back to the sofa.

"No Dad please?"

"I'll take you to the car Connie, I'm just going to put my clothes on and then we'll go," Dianne offered, and stood up again.

"You sure Dianne? She needs to practice a little patience some times," Joe said, brushing Connie's hair back.

"I need to get something anyway, wait there then chick."

"Something's up, she's hiding something," Joe said quietly to Zoe, Connie had decided to wait outside of the door for Connie.

"She seems okay, why are you worrying?" his sister said calmly, patting her leg.

"It's just she seemed like she wanted to say something before and then she snapped out of it. She was really flat," he sighed, taking a sip of his coffee.

"If she has something she wants to tell you, she will, as long as you reassured her that she could, which I'm sure you did. Don't worry Joseph," Zoe said, her Wiltshire accent coming out at the end.

Joe nodded and closed his eyes tipping his head back so he was leaning against the back of the sofa.

"Car keys Darl?" Dianne whispered quietly, kissing him softly.

Two Become Three- A Joanne StoryWhere stories live. Discover now