Maccas and Memories

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"Don't beat yourself up so much Joe. I thought it was amazing, the best you've ever done," Dianne said. He just sighed in response and pulled a pair of smart trousers on for the party. Their filming for the weekend was done but Joe was annoyed that he hadn't managed to get high scores, "we're in the final for god sakes."

"I know but, I just wish I did better. Scored higher," he was in a rut, a funk some might choose to say. Dianne supposed it was because he was physically knackered from the week and emotionally exhausted too. God knows she was feeling it too.

"They were harsh on you and Stacey and Lauren, you saw everyone's reaction to your scores. Darl you got me to the final!" Dianne said, and fresh tears started falling. Joe pulled her into a hug and started crying himself. He had started this journey for several reasons and he hadn't ever thought he'd get past week three. He thought he'd be out and looking after Connie. Yet here he was Joe Sugg, proving everyone, including himself, wrong by having just got into the final of Strictly Come Dancing.

"We're a mess." Joe laughed then shivered.

"Oh, I need to ring Mark and Rina and let them know that they can book the flight." Dianne said suddenly excited, she had told her parents that they didn't have to come but they insisted they wanted to be there.

"Shit," Joe exclaimed suddenly, pulling his top over his head.

"What?" Dianne asked, picking her phone up from Joe's dressing table.

"You have to dye my hair, I keep forgetting. When I agreed to that, I thought I'd be out week 3." Dianne was laughing now, as she dialled her parents. They would hopefully be up, with it being 6am.

"Hi Darlin' did you get through?" Joe heard her parents say, as he pulled her down onto his lap.

"Yeah, we did," Dianne said, hoping her parents could hear how excited she was.

"Oh wow, oh well done, we'll run down to the travel agents as soon as it opens."

"How much is it going to cost you?" Dianne asked, her mood flipped, it was so close to christmas and surely they wouldn't be able to afford the flights. She struggled herself to do so, and that was with her decent Strictly Pro wage not their pension and Dad's money from his AFL reffing.

"Close to four thousand but don't you worry, we'll find a way," Mark answered now, and Joe saw Dianne's face turn completely.

"You can't pay that, you can't. I'll have Joe's family and all my friends supporting, don't worry. And I'll have Joe. I'll be able to tape it and bring it back with me please please don't spend that." Dianne begged them, and Joe held her tighter. He had already offered to pay half or a grand or something towards it but Dianne and her parents had refused, even when he had said it would be a Christmas present.

"Dot, we'll pay, we love you. You can't put a price on love."

"But you can on stupidity; four thousand dollars it is. Look, I'm seeing you soon, you don't have to do this, I'll be okay. Joe's family have accepted me, they're like you but here." Dianne said, Joe reached a hand and wiped away her silent tear.

"If you're absolutely sure Dotty, if you're certain."

Dianne nodded and then realised they couldn't see her, so she swallowed the lump and spoke, "you wouldn't even see me much anyway, I'll be so busy."

"Alright, well, we'll see you when you're in front of us Dot," Rina said and Dianne smiled, this was how they said goodbye.

"Bye Dotty, we'll be watching,"

"Bye Mum and Dad," Dianne said and let the hand with her phone drop to her lap.

"I'm sorry," Joe said, turning her body so it was towards him. Dianne nodded and cried into his chest, the weight of her disappointment, that she didn't know was there, crashed over her.

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