Monday Mornings

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On a wet Monday morning in November, Joe Sugg, the YouTube sensation (cringe attack) turned dancing show man, could be seen, blearily walking downstairs, with a slight headache, on his way to wake his daughter up for school. When he reached the bottom of the stairs he threw a sideways glance at the sofa and frowned, he was sure Dianne was meant to be there.

She's probably left for pro rehearsals already you div.

He shrugged, agreeing with his brain that felt like it was pulsating and walked towards his daughter's door, surprised the little girl hadn't already been in to wake him up, the time being well past her usual wake up call.

When he opened the door, his heart melted into a pool on the floor. His two girls were crammed into a toddler bed, cuddling. Dianne's hand was on Connie's back and Connie was laid over her stomach.

'That's too cute not to take a picture' he thought, as he held his phone up and took a couple of photos, getting closer so he could see both of their faces. When he comes clean about his and Dianne's relationship to everyone he was close to, he was certain this would become his homescreen.

"What are you doing?" A groggy voice asked, making him jump a little.

"Just saving the moment, you fell asleep in Connie's bed. Did you mean to?" He questioned, teasing her hair.

"I must have fallen asleep when she woke up and needed a hug, sorry if I've overstepped, it wasn't intentional." Dianne panicked, instantly moving Connie off her catrfully, sitting herself up so.quickly she made herself dizzy.

"Slow down, it's okay," he squeezed her shoulder.

"How are you feeling sunshine, how that noggin?" She asked, getting out of the bed, that had been surprisingly comfortable.

"Yeah, not bad, I don't think I was as drunk as you thought, I can remember everything, sorry for being an ass." Joe said, as he leaned down and rubbed Connie's back.

"S'fine, I'll leave you to it and go and have a shower if that's okay, I need to be there for half 8?" Dianne checked with him, as Connie started to wake up.

"Yeah, I've left your normal towel out," Joe said, whilst he tried to get Connie to hold herself up.

"Thank you!" She called back, taking her bag up to his room.

"Come on misses, you have to wake up, you have to go to school." Joe said, starting to undress her, at least he would be able to get her to dress with no fuss this morning.

"No, tired," Connie said, keeping her eyes closed as the shirt was pulled over her head.

"Not an option I'm afraid, open those beautiful eyes for Daddy." He said, buttoning her shirt up, slipping the tie over her head. She was at least holding herself up this morning. "There you are, hey did you have a nice time with Dianne?" He tried to engage her in conversation as he put her knickers on her.

"We cuddled and I felled asleep. Oh and we had Icecream" Connie yawned, as Joe tried to get her in the tights, which he absolutely hated. It was almost guaranteed there'd be a hole in them by the end of the day.

"Did you like it then? Would you want Dianne to look after you again?" Joe tested the waters, as he took her though to the kitchen.

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