Pet Cows

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"Hey, so I've got a bit of a surprise for you," Joe said to the little girl over the phone.

"What?!" She asked excited, she was eating her cereal.

"So one of my big bosses has just messaged me ans asked if someone called Connie Sugg would want to come and watch the Children In Need special and also watch all of the rehearsals?" Joe said to her. He watched her eyes light up with excitement, "so would you like to?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Connie said, doing a dance in her seat.

"Okay, so Grandad's got the tickets and you'll come down to London. But you have to understand that you wont be able to come back stage and see all of the dancers because there's going to be lots of other kids there." Joe explained, hoping she would accept this.

"But I'll see you yes?" She checked, spooning in a mouthful of cereal after.

"Yeah, Grandad is going to take you up to the hotel and we can chill there like last Friday and get some room service just me and you." Joe again hoped this would be enough for her.

"Okay, but you promise I'll see you,"

"I pinky promise Connie," Joe nodded, surprised my how smoothly this had gone down.

"I'll see you soon Daddy, bye," she waved and then Joe saw his Dad hang up before Joe could say goodbye.

He smiled and grabbed the piece of toast he had been eating and left Dianne's on his own, due to his redhead having an even sooner call time and the need to keep it a secret. He was running a little bit late for his call time, which was earlier than usual due to the filming of the special, so he hoped the driver knew their way.


"Finally a break, that was full on," Dianne said, as she flopped onto the sofa in Joe's room.

"Tell me about it, why is it so much more nerve wracking when there are kids in the audience?" Joe asked, taking his shoes off, goad to be able to move his toes again.

"Because they're brutally honest." Dianne said, as Joe lifted her head and laid it on his lap.

"True true, little Euan was so lovely, how do you know him?"

"I met him when I was touring with Karen and Kevin. Did you catch a glimpse of Connie?" Dianne asked, hoping he had, as she knew seeing her face would raise his spirits.

He nodded, "when I did the slide and she looked so excited, my Dad looked some what impressed too."

"I'd say he was proud Joe," Dianne said, having been calm enough to see Connie and Graham quite a few times. He smiled and kissed her head, feeling a little embarrassed. Dianne smiled and lifted her hand to his cheek, grazing her fingers over the redness that had appeared there.

For a while they just remained lost in each other, drinking the moment of quiet in.

"Oh my gosh, I just realised I didn't get a chance to show you the pic that Dad sent through of Connie all dressed up for Halloween." Joe said, pushing her to sit up so he could grab his phone.

"Oh yeah? What was she?" Dianne asked, setting herself back down in his lap when he returned.

"A witch, Mum came over to Dad's to help get her ready and everything and they both took her out which is amazing because they don't normally like to be in the same room alone." Joe explained, passing her the phone which had a rather green Connie dressed up in a witches costume with a toy cat and a broomstick.

"Aww that's sick, that's the coolest witch I've ever seen. That's nice that your parents rallied together. Did she get many lollies?" Dianne asked, using an Aussie term that Joe didn't know.

Two Become Three- A Joanne StoryWhere stories live. Discover now