Chapter 11

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"TaeTae! Taetae!" Taehyung was pulled out of his thoughts by Jeonsoo cupping his cheeks.

Taehyung looked at the baby in his arms whose eyes are looking up at him all wide and doe eyes. Taehyung wanted to sob his heart out. My husband is in an accident! He wanted to cry and throw a tantrum. His husband, his everything is in the hospital! But then Jeonsoo also have a father who is in a critical condition right now! Taehyung don't know what to do.

He carried the little boy in his arms and hurriedly make way outside.

"Taetae. Where are we going?" Jeonsoo asked curiously. But he was obediently clinging on to Taehyung and it make his heart flutter when he saw how much Jeonsoo trust him.

"Jeonsoo. Baby. We have to get to the hospital. Your uncle Seojoonie.. my husband, he needs me and I'm going to have to take you with me. Is that okay?" He asked, trying to control his shaky voice.

Jeonsoo nodded his head immediately.

"Yes Taetae! I wanna go with you!"

Taehyung hope he will be able to control himself in front of the kid but inside his heart was storming.

Seojoon hyung. Baby please be okay! I don't know what I will do if you leave me.

At the hospital, Seokjin was pacing back and forth in front of the Operation theatre.

How could Jeongguk do this? How could he do this to himself and his son! Didn't he think about his son!

He was so mad at Jeongguk but he was also so worried!

"Seokjin-ssi!" He heard his name called. He turned around and took a double look when he saw Taehyung running towards him with little Jeonsoo in his arms.

"Taehyung-ssi. What are you doing here?" Seokjin asked, shocked to find the younger there.

"Seokjin-ssi. My husband.. he.." Taehyung couldn't finish his sentence.

"Taehyung!" A man called for the brunette.

Both of the adult turned around towards the voice while the toddler contentedly cling onto Taehyung, unaware of what's going on.

"Hyungsik hyung!" Taehyung cried and Seokjin had no choice but to take Jeonsoo in his arms, resulting in the toddler crying his heart out.

But Taehyung was no better, he sobbed in Hyungsik's arms, his husband's best friend.

"Where is he hyung? Take him to me!" Taehyung begged.

"He is still in the other operation theatre. The doctors are trying their best. Just hold on for him. Yeah? Come on I'll take you to the waiting room" Hyungsik said and lead the crying brunette towards the waiting room.

"Taetae!" Jeonsoo cried loudly making Taehyung stopped in his track.

He turned around and reached for Jeonsoo who immediately cling on to him. His eyes met with Seokjin.

"Is he okay?" He asked, asking about Jeongguk.

Seokjin sighed.

"Lets just hope for the best for the both of them. Okay?" He said, trying to comfort the younger.

He always did have a soft spot for Taehyung.

Taehyung stroked the baby's hair gently as the said toddler sleep on the couch with his head on Taehyung's lap.

Hyungsik, Seojoon's best friend and firm partner also never left his side.

Seokjin came later to fetch Jeonsoo and it was a good thing that the child was asleep because the child would probably throw a tantrum again.

"I understand. They will also understand. It must be hard for you right now." Seokjin said, talking about Jeongguk's parents who came for Jeonsoo and wanted to see Taehyung. But Taehyung don't feel like interacting with anyone. He just want to stay numb before his husband comes out.

"Yeah. I'm sorry Seokjin-ssi. I apologize for being rude but I don't really feel like talking to anyone at the moment." Taehyung said.

Seokjin nodded his head.

"Its okay Taehyung. You're not being rude."

Exactly 7 hours and 52 minutes since Seojoon was pushed inside the operation theatre, the surgeon finally emerges from the O.T.

Taehyung and Hyungsik was up on their feet right away.

"Doctor! How is my husband? How is he?" Taehyung asked, frantically.

The doctor's forlorn look and the sympathy in his eyes makes Taehyung's heart dropped.

And he don't think he is prepared for the news the doctor have for him.

He just want to kiss his husband again! He just want to sleep peacefully in his arms again! He just want to tell him he loves him again! Even just once.

Before the surgeon could say anything, whimpers escaped Taehyung's mouth and Hyungsik's tears escaped his eyes and he supported the younger with his arms.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Park. He didn't make it."

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