Chapter 23

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The first thing Jeongguk did ever since Yoongi's intervention is showing up early in the morning at Taehyung's house.

"Show up at his house! Make plans with him all the time before the doctor could! Take advantage of the fact that Taehyung loves your son."

"That's absurd Yoongi! I will not use Jeonsoo!" Jeongguk said while giving Yoongi a judgemental stare.

Yoongi sighed.

"Yah! You love them endlessly anyway. So its okay! Just trust me!"

It was a monday morning and Taehyung and Jeonsoo have school.

He knocked on the door and fidgeted nervously while he wait for the door to be opened.

The door opened to reveal Taehyung who was wearing his pajama.

"What are you doing here Jeongguk?" He asked. He was obviously taken back by his unannounced arrival.
And it was obvious that he just rolled out of bed.

"Good morning Tae. Did I wake you up?" Jeongguk asked the man whose eyes were tired, it was obvious that the man was a bit drowsy and tired.

"No.. I woke up a minute or two earlier." Taehyung replied.

The weather was cold and there were a little bit of harsh wind blowing.

And as if just noticing the state of the weather, Taehyung stepped aside.

"Come on in" He said.

Jeongguk quickly get inside the house and take notice of the absence of Jeonsoo who was probably still asleep upstairs in Taehyung's room.

"Is everything okay?" Taehyung asked, closing the door.

Jeongguk nodded his head.

"Yeah.. I just wanted to come here and make you breakfast or something." He said.

Taehyung raised his eyes at him.

"Why?" He asked, dumbfounded.

Jeongguk sighed.

"I just want to apologize for last night you know? My emotions were all over the place and I really shouldn't take it out on Jeonsoo." He began. He really does feel bad for shouting and yelling at his son even if the kid was in the wrong.

Taehyung sighed.

"Look, Jeongguk. I know how you feel. Okay? Yes Jeonsoo should not do what he done. But there's always a better solution than shouting at him. Okay? It will just make him more stubborn. And we don't want that, do we?" Taehyung calmly said while walking closer to him.

Jeongguk shook his head.

"No.. we don't." He said.

Taehyung smiled.

"We got to try our best to make sure that he don't become one of those teenagers who can't stand their parents. Okay?"

"Like Lee Jiho? That guy from our neighborhood?" Jeongguk asked in order to make the elder laugh.

Taehyung laughed and nodded his head.

"Yeah, that guy was evil" Taehyung said.

Jeongguk smiled at the sight.

"What would I do without you?" He said and hesitantly leaned in to the elder's space and rest his head on his shoulder with his arms around his waist.

"Can I hug you for a while?" He asked.

The man in his arms, tensed up.

But Jeongguk smiled when Taehyung wrapped his arms around him too.

"Did you go out last night?" The elder asked.

Jeongguk secretly smiled at the question knowing how the elder sent Yoongi to check up on him.

"Yeah. I did. But I went home after two drinks."

"Good. Don't resort to drinking when you can't handle your emotions again." The elder scolded.

Jeongguk chuckled.

"But I don't know what to do. I don't even have friends." He said while tightening his arms around the elder's waist.

There was a minute of silence.

"Come to me." The elder said and Jeongguk grinned uncontrollably because that was exactly what he want to hear.

"Thank you Tae. You're a blessing" He said after getting a hold of himself.

"Taetae.." They jumped out of each other's arms when they heard Jeonsoo.

"Good morning baby! You're already awake! Look who came!" Taehyung greeted and walked towards Jeonsoo who was standing on the stairs, watching the two adults.

Taehyung carried him in his arms and Jeongguk watched as Jeonsoo refuses to make eye contact with him and instead bury his head in Taehyung's neck.

He met Taehyung's eyes who encouraged him to make the first move.

"Hey baby.." Jeongguk said and walked towards Jeonsoo and Taehyung.

"Did you sleep well?" He tentatively asked. He was met with silence and he pleadingly looked at Taehyung who was smiling at him.

"Baby, would you look at Daddy? Daddy's so sorry for yelling at you that he cannot even sleep last night!" Taehyung said, coaxing the boy.

Jeonsoo hesitantly looked up and glanced at his dad.

"Daddy didn't sleep?" He asked.

Jeongguk pouted.

"How will I sleep when I know that my baby is mad at me?" He asked, frowning.

Jeonsoo reached out for him with a very similar pout on his face.

"I'm sorry Daddy for making you mad." Jeonsoo said once he is in Jeongguk's arms.

Jeongguk closed his eyes in content.

"I'm also sorry for shouting at you baby. Daddy should not have yelled at you." He said, gently patting his back.

"I'm sorry for throwing stuffs at the mall too " Jeonsoo apologized with his shaky voice.

"Awwwww baby. Your daddy forgives you. Okay? You just have to promise not to do it again." Taehyung intervened not being able to see Jeonsoo sad any longer.

Jeonsoo frantically nodded his head.

"I promise I promise!" He exclaimed, making the two adult laughed with a harm heart at the sight.

"Now why don't Jeonsoo and Taetae wash up while Daddy make breakfast, Okay?" Jeongguk said and Jeonsoo wriggled in his arms wanting to be let down on the ground.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Please make us lots of pancakes while me and Taetae wash up! Come on Taetae!" Jeonsoo excitedly said and dragged Taehyung towards the bathroom.

Jeongguk catches Taehyung's eyes once again and smiled back at the elder who was already smiling at him.

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