Chapter 16

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Taehyung absolutely forgot about the existence of Jeongguk after he moved on from the pain he left him. Seojoon healed him completely and Taehyung never felt the need to think about an ex boyfriend who hurt him so bad. Seojoon helped him heal himself from loss of Jeongguk, and the death of his loved ones.

And when Jeongguk came back into their life, Taehyung wanted nothing to do with him. Not because of anger or resentment or because of the past, but because he was afraid that Seojoon will not like it. But of course, his deceased husband, Seojoon was an angel. Seojoon knew that Jeongguk was miserable. Jeongguk's divorce was horrible and every lawyer were aware of it because of some loose lips.

Babe. I know you don't really like seeing him that much but I just feel so bad for the guy. He used to be your best friend! If you don't want to be friends with him, we can atleast be civil with him. Okay?

Taehyung recalled his husband telling him to give Jeongguk a chance.
Seojoon was such an angel.

Taehyung groaned.
"Can't I just keep Jeonsoo all too myself?" He thought and looked at the little Jeon cuddling up to him. He looked so content and safe in his arms. Taehyung gently pecked his head and decided to call Jeongguk even though it was already midnight.

He couldn't sleep. And he just want to get over it.

He dialled the number and waited anxiously.

He used to be my best friend before we were anything else! This shouldn't be hard! He tell himself.

Hello! Taehyungie?

Jeongguk's voice was haorsed and had the evident that he was just woken up from sleep.

"Jeongguk" Taehyung began.

Is everything okay hyung?
Jeongguk impatiently asked.

Taehyung chuckled.

"I am. I'm fine. Jeonsoo's fine. Everyone's fine. We actually have a sleepover tonight." Taehyung said.

There was a relief sigh at the other end and a chuckle.

Really? Jeonsoo must be ecstatic. Jeongguk said with a light laugh.

"Yeah. We are both happy." Taehyung said. And there was a long silence and the elder one took a glance at the clock.

"I'm sorry to call you this late but Jeongguk. . I just want to tell you that your son needs you. You need to come home Jeongguk. And I'm sorry that I may never return your feelings but we can be friends again! We used to have lots of fun together! Just come back Jeongguk. Jeonsoo and I will be waiting" Taehyung said and hung up the phone after Jeongguk kept silent.

"Your dad could be so stubborn sometimes." Taehyung muttered as he adoringly watch Jeonsoo sleeping.

He just hopes Jeongguk learns to prioritise his son.

Because Taehyung don't think he will ever move on from Seojoon.

And Jeongguk already broke him so much in the past, he don't think he can trust him again.

But who can really predict the future? Who can control their own heart and mind?

Jeongguk woke up the next day with determination. He is going to go back home for his son and for Taehyung. He is determined to win Taehyung's trust back. And he is very very much determined to win him back again.

He was so stupid and young and just so painfully dumb in the past to have let go of Taehyung, the love of his life.

But now he's older, wiser and much more aware of the fact that there is nothing and no one he loves than Taehyung, he promises himself that he will fight for his heart.

After he settled on the plane, he silently looked out and observed the clouds.

Seojoon hyung, I really need your blessings. Thank you for taking care of Taehyung when I was too dumb and too far away. I promise you that I will take care of him now that you're gone. I promise to love him like you would and more.

Seojoon's death was unfortunate and Jeongguk feel bad that the good man who always treat him well is now gone. And he feel especially bad that, while Seojoon would probably never wanted to die and leave Taehyung alone, Jeongguk tried to take his own life the same day.

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