Chapter 25

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Exactly an hour since Jeongguk and Jeonsoo reached their home, Taehyung arrived. Looking defeated with all the red eyes and red nose, giving away the sign that he had been crying and that he rushed his way to the Jeons.

Jeongguk was sitting in the living room with his head in his hands. Feeling useless. His son doesn't want to tell him what's wrong and he isn't very good with making him talk, it was usually Taehyung's job to make the little guy open up.

When Jeongguk heard the sound of Taehyung, he was taken back by his arrival and then by his appearance.

"Have you been crying, hyung?" Jeongguk asked.

Taehyung sniffled and then asked him where Jeonsoo is.

"He's in his room. He told me to give him some space" Jeongguk explained.

Taehyung sighed shakily and then he sobbed.

Jeongguk did not waste time and took the elder in his arms. Taehyung laid in Jeongguk's arms pliantly.

"I don't know what to do! Why won't he talk to me." Taehyung cried in his chest.

It was obvious that the elder was very hurt by Jeonsoo's behaviour.

Taehyung couldn't even enjoy his time with Daniel.

He tried to went after them right away but Daniel insisted that he give the child some space.

But that was never how it was between him and Jeonsoo.

Jeonsoo always tell Taehyung everything with no filter, no boundaries and he definitely never need space.

"Jeongguk what are we going to do! I can't think straight! Does my baby hate me? Did I do something wrong?" Taehyung cried.

Jeongguk let out a sigh and tried his best to console the elder.

"Hyung.. he'll talk to you. Why don't you go up and talk to him? He definitely will not tell you to go away." Jeongguk said.

Taehyung looked up at him with such hope that Jeongguk wish Jeonsoo won't turn away from Taehyung.

"You think so? But I'm so afraid. Jeongguk.. he never act like that towards me!" Taehyung cried.

Jeongguk wiped the tears streaming down his face.

"That is why you have to go up and talk to him, hyung."

"What if he told me to go away? I won't be able to bear that. It will destroy me, Gguk." Taehyung said, exposing the reason for his hesitance to just walk straight to Jeonsoo's room.

Jeongguk smiled despite his fear in his heart.

"You're his favourite person hyung."

That seems to give Taehyung the much needed confidence.

Taehyung hesitantly pushed the door of Jeonsoo's room.

His heart breaks when he saw the lump covered by a blanket.

Sounds of sniffles filled the room.

"Baby?" Taehyung called hesitantly.

The sniffles stopped abruptly, indicating that Jeonsoo heard him.

Taehyung walked towards the bed and sit beside the lump.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, trying to hold back his sobs.

"Please don't ignore me. You know I can't live without you." He continued and sniffled.

Jeonsoo uncovered himself when he heard Taehyung crying.

"Oh Baby!" Taehyung cried and pulled Jeonsoo into his arms.

Jeonsoo hold on to him and Taehyung cried.

"Oh baby, whatever I do, please forgive me! You're the most important person in my life. I love you so much."

Jeonsoo sobbed with his Taetae .

"I love you too Taetae. Please don't cry. I don't like it when you cry." Jeonsoo cried.

Taehyung chuckled through his tears.

"I will cry when you cry because I can only smile when you're happy. Jeonsoo baby, please tell me why you're so sad." Taehyung pleaded.

Jeonsoo looked like he was about to cry harder. Taehyung peppered his whole face with gentle kisses.

Jeonsoo went quiet for a bit.

Taehyung patiently wait.

"Taetae.." Jeonsoo began.

"Yes baby" Taehyung answered the baby in his arms who refused to meet his eyes.

"You said it was family time, and I thought it was family time. I was so happy. You me and Daddy were all so happy. But the stinky doctor come and ruin our family time!" Jeonsoo cried and Taehyung's eyes widened and hugged the sobbing boy.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that! I didn't know that Daniel was going to show up. I'm so sorry baby. Please forgive me." Taehyung said and patted the child's back gently.

Taehyung felt like a fool.

Of course, Jeonsoo will be sad.

When Jeonsoo asked him if it was just them and his daddy, Taehyung said that it was. And Jeonsoo was so happy. He chanted 'Family time!' the whole day.

"I'm so sorry baby. I promise we'll go to wherever you want. Just you, me and daddy."

Jeonsoo pulled back from the hug and looked at him with his wide doe sparkling eyes which were red from crying.


Taehyung smiled at him with a fond heart.


Jeonsoo is the most important person in his life, and if Jeonsoo don't like Daniel, then, the doctor will have to go even if he was a very nice guy.

There's no one more important than Jeonsoo.

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