Chapter 21

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"I'm telling you Jeongguk! Every child is different! Being 10 is all about change. It is a period of transition that can offer challenges and delights as Jeonsoo start to embrace the approach of adolescence." Taehyung tries to explain to a frustrated Jeongguk who was pacing back and forth.

"What challenges! He is the most spoilt ten years old ever! You can't expect me to be not mad about what happened today!" Jeongguk retorted.

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Just because we spoilt him doesn't mean that he doesn't have challenges! He's not as undisciplined as you make him out to be! He is the best student in the school!" Taehyung responded, defending Jeonsoo.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes.

"Of course you'd say that! He behaves like a fucking angel when he's with you! And you're always defending him! How will we discipline him!"

Honestly, Jeongguk was fed up with his son's antic.

He's the most disobedient and disrespectful little shit when he is alone with him but he literally transform into an angel whenever Taehyung's around. Jeongguk doesn't get it!

He tried to be patient and gentle with him but Jeonsoo won't do anything as he says. And when he gives him punishments, he would just throw a tantrum and call Taehyung and the elder would immediately show up in their house and take him to his apartment.

Jeongguk was so frustrated!

The reason they argue at the moment was because Jeonsoo threw a tantrum in the middle of the shopping mall when Jeongguk refused to buy him a hot cars collection which he already have! Jeongguk was speechless when his son decided to throw everything on the shelf to the floor.
They managed to get out of the shop since Jeongguk is a highly respected individual for his reputation and contribution in sports. Luckily, the manager was Jeongguk's fan.

"I just want him to be good again! He's so evil! You don't know how scared and embarrassed I was today!" Jeongguk explained.

He heard the elder sigh.

"I know. I'm sorry that happened to you but Jeonsoo is a good kid. He must have a reason"

Sometimes, Jeongguk thinks Jeonsoo had casted a spell on Taehyung.

Taehyung who is a smart guy and basically the most sane guy on earth becomes a fool, a whipped fool when it comes to Jeonsoo and Jeongguk hate that Taehyung can't see clear when it comes to Jeonsoo. He blindly believes everything that comes out of Jeonsoo's mouth and will literally cut off anyone who dare to speak ill of Jeonsoo.

"A reason? What would be his reason for throwing away all the toys on the shelf?" Jeongguk asked in disbelief.

He can't believe that Taehyung was still defending Jeonsoo.

Taehyung sighed.

"Jeongguk, just.. let me take him home tonight. You're obviously angry with him and I don't want him to be in an uncomfortable environment."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes.

"You're lucky that I love you." He said in his head.

"You said you have a date with that ugly boyfriend." Jeongguk responded bitterly.

He heard Taehyung scoffed.

"Daniel's not ugly. I can just cancel it."

"I don't like him." Jeongguk said turning around to look at Taehyung.

"Good thing you're not the one dating him." Taehyung replied, already done with the conversation.

Jeongguk watch as Taehyung made his way upstairs, to Jeonsoo's room.

Its been six years since Seojoon's death and live goes on but Jeongguk hasn't moved on from Taehyung.

He was livid and sad and all kind of angry and upset when Taehyung began dating Kang Daniel, a 25 year old doctor.

Its been five months and Jeongguk doesn't fail to show his dislike whenever the doctor is around.

His son also don't behave well whenever the doctor is around and Jeongguk suspect that Jeonsoo don't actually like the doctor as well.

He just hopes that Taehyung isn't serious with the doctor.

But it never fail to hurt him when he see them together.

His phone rang and he checked the caller ID and groaned when he saw that it was Yugyeom.

He rejected the call and switch off his phone.

He decided to check on Taehyung and his son and walked up the stairs.

He prepared himself for Jeonsoo's glares. He honestly missed the times when his son was still the small chubby boy.

He can't deal with a bratty ten year old.

"But Taetae, I don't want to see him. He smells like hospitals!" He heard his son complained.

"He did? Okay, we'll not let him come over. We'll spend the night. Just you and me okay? No Daniel, No hospital smells!" Taehyung exclaimed and Jeonsoo 'YAYed' excitedly.

Well atleast Taehyung's not going on a date tonight.

Jeongguk chuckled and knocked on the door.

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