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:    F

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:    M
  :    G L I T C H Y  R E D


"Red, that's not fair! You probably creeped the poor girl out! At least I picked the time when a GUY was playing!" Silver scolded me, shooting me a glare. "This is why you can't get a girlfriend." He concluded with a small huff.

He's always chastising me now... Why?

I rolled my eyes and glared right back. "For starters, You're just a sexist cheese curd that won't admit it. Either that or your gay! And I'm not even the slightest bit interested in dating!" I crossed my arms and leaned back on the wall.

The last part was sort of a lie...

It's just the girls here were LUNATICS.

That girl that I most definitely creeped out was actually pretty cute. Silver was right though, I did scare on accident. It was fair, but at the same time... it wasn't exactly my fault. If I could choose my victims, then she wouldn't have been on the list.

Maybe there was some way I could take it back though...

"...stupid! Are you even listening to me?!" Silver whined and kicked at my shins. I winced and turned my head in his direction sharply.

That shit ACTUALLY hurt!

Mainly because most of his strength was in his legs from his little gaming accident. I was his arms most of the time, a good 85% of the time actually.

"I can get a girlfriend if I wanted to, dumbass. Just watch." I kicked back on the wall and sighed, walking towards the door.

"Let's find you something nice. We're going out today for your birthday." I nodded my head towards the door and he immediately smiled, bouncing towards me with newfound excitement.

I wish I was allowed to be that happy...

Somehow, someway, in some fashion, big boy Ben managed to sweet talk Slenderman into letting us go out as long as we stayed under the radar.

Ben was reluctant at first because apparently there was some bad blood between him and Slenderman from something happening a few months ago. He gave in afterwards, claiming that Slenderman "owed" him.

Sonic and Dark Link told me that it was apparently that bad. I wasn't going to ask questions about it, it wasn't my business.

I knew of the situation when it was first going down, but I didn't want to get involved. I had noticed Ben spending less and less time, down here and more in his room or outside the mansion.

That was also why he was going to be our tour guide. After whatever events transpired, he seemed to be more active and much more lively. He went off the grounds every other day, but never forgot about us.

I wish I could do things like that.

:No you don't.

Oops, I forgot about you.

:You are not allowed to be happy.

"I'm not allowed to be happy. Then fight me. I'm gonna have fun tonight regardless." I muttered under my breath and clenched my fists tightly.

"Did you say something?" Silver walked beside me up the basement stairs, tilting his head a bit.

"Nah, I didn't. We gotta fix you up, clothes wise and... body wise." I chuckled and pushed the door open for him.

No Choice |Glitchy Red X Reader|Where stories live. Discover now