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_____Y/N'S POV

His gaze met mine and I reached for him. I could see his body tense at my actions, but I didn't stand down.

"You... know my name?" His voice was low as he leaned down, meeting me as I perched on my knees.

"N-No... Not really I just... I can see it now." I gently shook my head and placed a hand upon his. I watched his gaze soften at my touch and he leaned closer to me, his lips meeting the vicinity of my ear.

"Now that you know, you're going to forget, right?" His voice sounded pained and his words forced. It was as if something was speaking for him.

He doesn't mean it...

"Wh-What?! No, Red! I could never forget you!" I grabbed a hold of his palms with both of my hands and hoisted my body up off the ground with the help of his strong build. He was shocked for a split second, but he held on tightly to not let me fall back down.

This time, I could see his features in full, and my face warmed up significantly.

This wasn't the Red I knew and loved.

No, he looked much better, but acted somewhat the same. He was quiet, kind of cold, but at the same time... a kind and gentle aura surrounded him.

"Y/n, I'm sorry for the game. It wasn't fair to you and I didn't mean-" I didn't let him finish his apology. I wrapped my arms around him and embraced his body.

So warm...

"You were planning on leaving now... But I won't let you leave like this. I want you to know that I forgive you, and that I won't ever forget you." I spoke barely above a whisper and squeezed him in my arms.

I felt his arms graze mine and run down my waist gingerly, causing my cheeks to burn with blush.

"Thank you, Y/n... You make me feel things that I've never experienced before... Maybe with you, I can finally be ha-" His voice cut off like a switch and instead morphed into a static overtone.

Just like last night...

I opened my eyes quickly and looked up. His body was... glitching. His embrace had left me completely and his body was being contorted in ways no human could possibly pull off. His voice sounded like a broken record repeating the same syllable 'ha'.

"Happy..." I completed his sentence as I watched his body fade into red coding like particles. I took one last look at his face to see a sad smile.


He mouthed back at me before completely disappearing. I covered my mouth gently and could feel the tears try to break through once again.

He left his hat...

The red hat was still in my hands and I slowly ran my finger around the rim. I couldn't help but smile at it through my tears eyes.


"Yo! Where did Red go?!" My attention was then captivated by the loud voice just feet away. The two guys Red was with didn't seem to take notice of my presence, so I slid behind the tree I was sitting at and hid from them.

Just because I trust Red, doesn't mean I trust those two.

It was that guy that turned into a bloody Sonic... And that other guy looked like Link, but he was much different...

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