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Naturally, no one has anything to say.

No words are needed to be said.

This isn't Y/n, by the way.

But you do know me.

The ending is near, no?

So I've shut them out.

The games need to stop, and that starts with me.

After this rift, things will be different.

Fragments will become more misaligned.

And Y/n will just end up... broken, on the end.


It all ends with one person.

Who will that person be?



___Y/N'S POV

Your life isn't about the way you live it.

It's all about the ebbs and flows you allow to take passage through it.

I didn't necessarily learn this the hard way.

But it wasn't that easy either.

"Y/n!! Don't do this!! You're not going through this alone, I swear!! Come back and I promise you that things will get better!!"

"No!! I can't live like this anymore!! This pain! This suffering! The endless nightmare of a Hell that I can't break free from!! I want him back NOW!!"

Ah... the first week without him was terrible.

It pained my heart yes, but regardless—

Wait, whose thoughts are these?

"Ah!!" I screamed and looked around. My body felt heavy as I slowly sat up from the cold ground.

Thoughts were plaguing my mind, but I didn't understand why. They were not my own, yet they sounded so familiar.

"Who am I?" I whispered softly to myself as I looked at my aching body. It was covered in dried blood and other terrible injuries.

"Where am I?"

Make a choice.

"Wh-What?! Who's there?!" I yelled, calling out to the voice I heard within the lingering darkness.

Make a choice.

"What choice?! Please, just get out of my head!!" I cried out and ran my shaky fingers through my hair.

It was then I realized that the cold metal chains were gone, but were on my ankles instead. My own memories started to come back to me and I recalled what had happened.

I've been asleep for two hours...

That means... two more days have gone by...

Where's Zalgo...?

My hands slowly left my head and trailed down to my stomach. It felt tighter than usual and I felt overly bloated. A wave of nausea started to kick in and I placed a hand over my mouth.

"Z-Zalgo... I-I feel sick... Where are y-you?" I called out weakly and rolled onto my side. Something came to mind and I realized why I was probably feeling so sick still.

I hadn't eaten since I got here, and it's been almost twelve hours. I hadn't had water either which was driving me crazy. My body felt weaker than usual and it was because of what I was lacking.

No matter how much I hated Zalgo, even seeing him at the moment would have put my mind to ease.

In some way.

"Y/n. What's going on with your thoughts?" His voice suddenly appeared before me and I sighed quietly in relief.

"I-I'm not sure... D-Do you at least think you could help me get rid of them...?" I asked softly and looked up at his approaching figure.

Zalgo had a bag in his hand with a very familiar logo. One that I hated probably more than him.


"And why should I help you darling? You gave me such a fight before. I was almost tempted to just kill you from how infuriated I was." Zalgo crouched down beside my and dropped the bag of food in front of me. He sat down a cup before sitting down beside me himself.

I slowly sat up and winced as my body started to ache more. "I-I was just wondering... It's okay though..." I mumbled and opened the bag up.

The smell of the food alone made me want to throw up. It was just my luck that we didn't have a Chick-Fil-A in this town.

"Hm, you're lucky I even remembered to feed you. You're like one of my many pets that I had." He stroked my backside but this time, I didn't react because I was too busy shoving fries in my face.

His words grabbed my attention though and I looked up at him with a curious expression. "What happened to them...?" I asked cautiously and bit down on a fry.

"All twenty-two died." Zalgo chuckled and rested his head against the wall. I gasped and almost choked on the rest of my fry.

"Twenty-two?! That's so many! H-How did they die? Why did you have twenty-two in the first place?" My questions poured from my mouth in a slew of word vomit.

"Dear, slow down please..." He rolled his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. "It was a pattern of death. Starvation, dehydration, repeat. I got a pet for every birthday and my most recent one, well... died obviously. Essentially, I killed them on accident up until I was fifteen." He started to explain and I listened to his story while eating my food.

"At first... I took care of the variety of animals I was given and loved them. Well, love is a strong word. I liked them a lot. For some reason though, I would enter this state of emptiness and when I returned to myself... my pet would be half dead from injuries. This happened every year unfortunately. It was until I turned fifteen, that I realized I was the one harming them. The powers I possessed were out of hand, and I couldn't control them. I wanted to destroy living things and I did that to this day. It hurt me inside, and a black hole of despair filled me."

My eyes were wide and I felt actual sincerity from his words.

"Zalgo... I'm so sorry... I didn't know your life was so hard. Maybe I can help you and you can finally have a pet that you won't hurt." I gently placed a hand on his arm and our eyes met.

"What...? Y/n, why would you do that...? I'm literally the strongest and most antagonistic person in this universe, and you're saying something like that?" Zalgo was shocked and it was written all over his face.

I blushed nervously and gave a slight nod. "I'm sure you weren't always that way. Like you said, you never killed them on purpose until you let that darkness in your heart consume you." I smiled and let out a raspy giggle.

"Which would mean that you were good at some point. That you weren't always so bad."

"Y/n... You're delusional... Go back to sleep."

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