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___please play the song at Y/n's pov, and loop it if you would like for it only lasts a minute and a half___


"This ends here, Zalgo! You've crossed the line!!" I snatched off the black and white Pokéball from my belt and threw it down onto the floor.

He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. "Really? You're gonna kill me with a pocket monster? Why am I not surprised?"

I gritted my teeth as Ghost came out of the ball and into the light. "Red! Don't do this please! Zalgo isn't a bad person!" Y/n cried out to me and I scowled.

"What did you do to her?! Is she brainwashed? Did you torture her?" I couldn't stand to hear her say such ridiculous things about her kidnapper of all people. I believed that there was foul play at hand and wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"Y/n, you probably have Stockholm Syndrome... It's okay." I heard Silver's soothing voice as he tried to calm her down, though it was ineffective .

"Silver, what are you doing here? This wasn't a part of the plan! Get out of here and take Y/n with you!" I yelled at him, but he didn't back down either. "Red stop being so damn selfish! We're in this together, until the very end!" He then sighed and shook his head.

"She's covered in injuries Red! I think he did this to her!" He called out once again and my eyes widened.



There's no way.

I turned and dashed across the room. I didn't even get the chance to actually look at her body when I saw her up close. I rushed over to them and took her in my arms.

"H-Hey... I-Is he serious...?" I held out her arm and saw the cuts and bruises that ran deep into her skin. "Red I'm fine... I-It was an accident..." Y/n shook her head with a frown.

"No one does this shit to a woman on accident." I said in a low tone. Both her arms and legs all had the same number of gashes, as if she was beaten with no mercy whatsoever.

Seeing her in that state made my blood boil tremendously.

"Red, you of all people should know that I don't show mercy. So you shouldn't turn your back to your opponent!" Zalgo smirked and launched his foot into my side.

I let out a loud groan and fell to the floor. Y/n gripped my shirt tightly and I wrapped her up in my arms to protect her.

"Zalgo please! Don't do this! It isn't like you!" She slipped out of my grip and stumbled her way over to him. Zalgo towered over her and had a devious smirk on his face.

"Darling, I was only acting on self defense. He ruined our moment together. Doesn't that matter to you? My one, true moment of happiness since back then! Red is getting in the way of how happy we can be!" He grabbed her arm and pulled her close.

I got back up on my feet and looked over at my idle Pokémon. For once, I wasn't as dense as usual. I saw right through the facade he was presenting. He had his other hand held high above his head with claws extending from them.

"Y/n!!" I yelled and lunged at her. Zalgo swung his hand down and I felt the pain shoot through me. I tackled her to the floor, but the expression on her face was less than pleasant.

No Choice |Glitchy Red X Reader|Where stories live. Discover now