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: You tricked me!
: This is why I never liked you in the beginning.

Stop whining, it's annoying.


Anyway, you're only a secondary while I'm a main.

Which means get lost!

: You won't be sayin that when you end up dead in the end...


___we now pause this programming to bring you the rest of the story___

"Silver, why are you here?" I crossed my arms and tilted my head a bit.

___J E A L O U S___

It was day two of me taking care of Y/n, and it already was taking a toll on my body unfortunately. She was a pleasant distraction from the off and on pain that throbbed within me, and I was grateful. Although I wish we could do more together, I had to take things slow because of how she was feeling.

Currently, I was sitting on the couch and watching Netflix at Y/n's house. She asked me to step away while she talked to her boss about not coming in, and it reminded me of the talk I needed to have with him about touching her.

It was hard trying to control how I felt around her. I couldn't work on my feelings either, because Glitchy would always get in the way and blow my negative feelings out of proportion every time. Especially when I got jealous. It had only happened once, but what I did nearly costed me my life.

I was calm at the moment, until the front door opened up. I went on the defensive and threw down my handy Darkball. "Woah, woah, woah! You're not killing me with that thing!" Silver yelled at me from the front door, ready to throw down one of his Pokéballs as well.

"Dude, you scared me! I thought you were a kidnapper!" I heaved a sigh and forced Ghost to return. Silver glared at me and went off more fiercely than I had ever witnessed before.

"DUDE MAYBE YOU SHOULD TRY LOCKING DOORS SO THAT NO ONE ACTUALLY TRIES TO KIDNAP YOU OR Y/N YOU DUMBASS!!" He scolded me and waved his arms around making crude gestures at me. I shrank away out of fear and trembled.

This dude is freaky when he's upset...

"Honestly Red, you can be a pain in the ass sometimes..." He concluded with the shake of his head. I was sulking in the corner of the couch from his words and covering my eyes from his gaze. "Y-You're not my little bro..." I mumbled and shook my head.

"O-Oh... I'm really sorry Red...! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings like that." Silver rushed over and placed a hand on my shoulder gently. "I'm not mad, I was just hoping you would learn from your mistakes." He smiled and rubbed my shoulder.

I looked up at him with a smirk. "I'm so proud of you Silver. You're all grown up!" Tears were in my eyes as I brought him close for a tight hug. "Ah! Red, you're gonna crush me!" His muffled cries were music to my ears and I laughed.

"Okay, okay. I'm done. But seriously. Silver, why are you here?" I crossed my arms and tilted my head a bit.

Silver sighed and plopped down on the couch beside me. "Um... I came to drag you home. You weren't supposed to leave and you know that." He too crossed his arms and glared at me.

"Well, you see... Your Unown are shit, sooooo..." I shrugged and picked up the remote from nearby, about to resume the movie I was watching.

"You jerk!" He grumbled and punched my shoulder lightly. The Pokeballs from his belt dropped and out came four Unown that were spelling out the word "jerk." My eyes widened and I nearly choked on my own saliva.

No Choice |Glitchy Red X Reader|Where stories live. Discover now