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i know i haven't been keeping up with my kaminari book, but to be honest, i've kinda drifted away from bnha. as of right now, i have little to no interest in the franchise whatsoever. i'll still update, but it'll be very slow.

haruka was never one to initiate things, so when it came to confessing, you decided to grab life by the throat and go for it. you had had feelings for haruka for a long time, and you were tired of keeping it a secret for so long. you were so fed up, in fact, that when the two of you were walking home together, you blurted it out accidentally and without thinking beforehand.

"haru, i like you!" you said loudly, your cheeks flaring from embarrassment.

the monotonous male stopped in his tracks, unsure of how to react to your sudden declaration of love. you both stood in silence for a moment, neither of you uttering a word until a gentle smile appeared on haruka's face. he exhaled out of his nose sharply, a sign of amusement.

"the feeling is mutual." he told you, turning and continuing the trek home.

makoto had known that he had feelings for you for a long time, but it took just as long for him to muster up the courage to actually confess to you. he had gone through every scenario in the book and eventually decided to leave it as simple as possible; no grand gesture was needed. besides, planning something would drive him crazy, no doubt.

because the iwatobi pool was the place where the two of you spent most of your time, makoto decided to tell you there. during practice, you were helping gou run numbers for the members' average times when makoto came up to you.

"hey, (first)?" he began, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. you hummed in response, encouraging him to continue. with a deep breath, he did.

"...i like you." makoto said after a moment's hesitation. you were caught off-guard to say the least, your cheeks and ears flushing a bright red with embarrassment.

"i like you too, makoto..." you stammered out.

nagisa doesn't usually feel nervous, but when it came to confessing to you, it seemed as though he wasn't able to sit still. the two of you had been spending a lot of time together and nagisa felt as though it was time to finally tell you how he truly felt about you. he planned to tell you in the most romantic way possible and even had a bit of help from rei. nagisa had planned to take you for a walk on the beach during late evening and finally confess to you when the sun was setting along the horizon. however, as the two of you were strolling in the sand, it began to rain. rather than running for shelter, you pulled nagisa into the downpour and laughed like children as your entire bodies became soaked.

the sand beneath your feet grew wet and stuck to your skin as you played like schoolkids in the rain. your hair was plastered to your faces with the help of the rainwater, however, all nagisa could focus on was how fast his heart was racing. he slowed his running before stopping in his tracks, making you turn around to question what was wrong.

"i like you, (first)." he said, his confession conveying the purest form of sincerity. the childish grin on your face didn't fall, but rather grew in size as you registered nagisa's words.

"i like you too." you replied, your cheeks flushing a soft pink.

to say that rei would be the first to confess would be saying that the sky is green. which only meant that you had to take initiative and confess to the studious swimmer yourself. you decided to do it quietly in order not to embarrass him, so a love letter was the way to go. as you began to write it, however, you mind became blank. you had no idea how to word your feelings without sounding foolish, afraid that rei would laugh in your face if he saw so much as a single grammatical error. eventually, you were able to write the first sentence and the rest came naturally, the words flowing smoothly onto the paper from your hand, expressing how you truly felt towards the bespectacled male.

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