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happy birthday rin!
disclaimer: implies/references sexual relations

much like his personality, haruka is very nonchalant when it comes to intimacy. he's fine with doing the bare minimum as long as it satiates both you and himself. despite the fact that he doesn't say it often, you can feel the emotion haru puts into intimacy. it's amazing, actually, how many of his thoughts can be expressed through actions alone.

a synonym for makoto would be 'gentlemanly'. he's always making sure that you're okay with things going on, even if they're relatively tame. he wants to make sure that you're completely comfortable and fully enjoying your time with him (which you always do). you want the same for him as well, so you never fail to return the favor to your selfless boyfriend.

despite having a childish persona, nagisa is very bold when it comes to intimacy. he does, however, tease you in hopes of evoking a laugh in order to keep the mood light. unsurprisingly, the blonde has a high libido in order to keep up with his high energy levels, leading him to act on impulse a lot of the time. he tends to enjoy the feeling of his lips on your skin, something you quite like as well.

knowing rei, he's bound to do his research on how intimacy works, which winds up being both a blessing and a curse. while he tends to hit all the right spots, you can tell that there's hardly any feeling behind his actions, but instead carefully calculated movements. it gets frustrating at times, but it's hard to stay mad at the man who wants nothing more than to make you feel good.

using his physical qualities to his advantage, rin is very generous when it comes to his teeth. being an insecurity at first, rin has come to love them for being such an asset during intimacy. however, teeth aren't the only thing rin uses. he has long slender fingers that he'll use to gently graze across your skin, sending chills down your spine.

sousuke's intimidating appearance comes into play a lot during intimacy, as he's usually focused on the task at hand, causing his features to contort slightly and giving him an angry look. you know how kind the butterfly swimmer really is, so you pay no mind to his expressions, enjoying his touch rather than his aura.

momo's a flirt, but he's not as bold when it comes to intimacy. as things get progressively more heated, so does momo's face; it winds up an unflattering shade of red. you usually have to bring him back down to earth with a tender kiss, something he can never get enough of, and then you'll pick right back up from where you left off.

aiichiro is not one for intimacy, considering his shy personality. you find it rather cute how flustered he gets when things begin to heat up, leading the two of you to take frequent breaks in order for the breast stroke swimmer to calm down. however, aii is not known for being a quitter, so he'll get random bursts of confidence and surprise you with his unexpected determination.

kisumi is known for being relatively shameless in general, but he's the same exact way when it comes to intimacy. he's not afraid to do anything, even if it involves him doing something less than ideal. he doesn't give many things a second thought, doing them with little to no hesitation if he's asked.

much like haruka, ikuya bottles up a lot of his emotions, leading them to be released during intimacy. he's very vocal during these times, expressing how much he appreciates and loves you as things begin to get more intense. he'll press gentle kisses to your face or neck, even if his lower body is expressing the exact opposite of gentle.

being a proud arian, asahi is a spirited person when it comes to intimacy. he'll often surprise you with unexpected touches, grinning cheekily when you yelp in shock. he's prone to joking around during these times too, because it helps him feel more connected to his partner. it lightens the mood tenfold, especially when either of you are nervous or tense.

despite how close you are, whenever it comes to intimacy, the two of you wind up nervous wrecks; your cheeks flushing while your hands start to clam up. to be honest, it's kind of endearing seeing your girlfriend shut down the second things start to get heated. knowing that you still make her nervous (and vice versa) makes your heart flutter.

natsuya is unsurprisingly experienced in the world of intimacy, leading him to know exactly what to do with you during these times. it avoids any of the awkward conversation during the act, a relief on your part. despite being experienced, natsuya is still kind and considerate, always asking before doing; something that will never fail to make you smile.

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