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if anyone knows haruka, it's obvious that he isn't the one to flirt, let alone initiate anything romantic. that leaves you to be a coquette with him, but to no avail. despite his appearance, he's rather dense when it comes to one-liners. he's better when it comes to a blunt compliment if we're being totally honest. even then, he doesn't completely get that it's supposed to be romantic.

because makoto gets flustered easily, he's not one for blatant flirting. compliments every now and again are enough to satiate him, but not for you. it's rather entertaining for you to see how easily you can get your boyfriend to completely flush at your words, trying his best to keep his composure. however, you respect your boundaries and understand when to stop, making sure that your boyfriend knows that you won't relentlessly tease him.

because of his exuberant attitude, it's inevitable that you'll get a few cheesy pickup lines thrown your way. you'll pretend to be annoyed with nagisa, but you can't hide the shy smile that creeps across your lips, alerting him to the happiness you feel when he does flirt with you. however, when you're feeling courageous, you'll shoot the blonde a few risqué lines, causing his confident facade to fall flat at your words. instead of you being the flustered mess, it'll be him, his cheeks tinted with a bright red.

rei's confident facade is likely to fall away at the mention of flirting. he acts as though he's a natural, but when it comes to actually saying the things he's planned out in his head, he's suddenly lost the ability to speak. it's comical, really, watching your boyfriend fumble on his sentences, tending to mix up pickup lines with each other, the punchlines making absolutely zero sense by the time he's done with them.

knowing rin, you're bound to get a few cheeky pickup lines throughout the day, whether it be in person or over text. he's prone to get a bit lofty about it, grinning at you through his shark-like teeth, a knowing glint flashing through his crimson eyes. you usually respond defensively, crossing your arms and refusing to look into his eyes. unfortunately, your act is transparent to rin, he's able to see right through you.

much like haruka, sousuke isn't much for flirting. however, the latter is much more open to it than the former is. though it's rare, sousuke has been known to come up with a few good ones for his partner. however, because it's so rare, you tend to become rather flustered whenever he does flirt with you. your cheeks will become a bright pink and you'll begin to stammer over your words, unable to form a coherent sentence and miraculously lose the ability to look him in the eye.

momotarou doesn't seem to understand the concept of flirting. his idea of the topic seems to be shamelessly saying how cute you are at any given moment. while you find it endearing, it's not the most charming thing in the world, seeing as how he can say these things at inappropriate times. when you flirt with him, however, he doesn't seem to know how to handle it, his entire face becoming bright red with embarrassment.

because you know aii, you're completely fine with the fact that you won't get any witty one-liners or epigrammatic compliments from him. he does his best, however, to occasionally let you know how beautiful he truly does think you are, albeit with some struggle (he tends to stammer a lot). although, when he does this, you press your lips to his own gently in an attempt to calm him down, thanking him for his compliment as you pull away.

knowing kisumi, it's obvious that he's a pro at flirting. he tends to not know when the right time is to send you suggestive one-liners, leading the two of you to get lots of strange looks in public. it's embarrassing to say the least, but you can't hide the fact that you love him nonetheless. despite the fact that the two of you have been together for a lengthy amount of time, his flirtatious quips never fail to send your cheeks aglow.

when it comes to ikuya, he's actually a pretty bad flirt. he tends to trip over his words and mix up parts of his sentence when speaking. fortunately for him, you find it cute that he tends to get so nervous, chuckling softly as you wait for him to finish. he knows that you're not laughing in a condescending way, but it only makes him even more jittery.

asahi, despite being confident and bold, isn't that good at flirting. his form of flirtation is apt to be physical contact (usually roughhousing), which is unfortunate for you, because being locked into a chokehold isn't your ideal type of romance, per se. however, it does turn into a great opportunity for you to wrap your arms around his waist, which never fails to send him into a blushing and panicked state.

despite what you may think, gou actually has a tendency to relentlessly flirt with you. when doing this, you tend to fire back with equally vulgar one-liners, leading to a competition to see who can get who to break first. it's quite fun, actually, because more often than not you're the victor of your flirtatious little game.

unlike his younger brother, natsuya is a natural flirt. he often does it without thinking, leading you to raise your eyebrows at the brunette when he makes a questionable remark at your expense. his lines have no effect on you anymore, as they tend to be repetitive in nature, but you'd be lying if you said they didn't make you laugh.

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