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when i say traditions, i don't mean between cultures. i mean a ritual unique to the two of you that has just so happened to become like a tradition within your relationship.

every saturday evening, you'll teach haruka how to make a dish other than mackerel and rice. while you understand that everyone has their certain tastes, you also know that a man with his aspirations needs a balanced diet and some decent culinary skill. he appreciates the help, although he doesn't say it out loud.

about once a week, you and makoto pick a day to splurge and head to a nice restaurant for a romantic dinner. due to your tight schedules, you don't really have a lot of time for intimacy, so you'll keep the romance alive this way. it definitely helps, because you still feel butterflies in your stomach whenever he looks at you with those gentle green eyes.

every friday night, the two of you will go on a "mega date". it's full of impulsive decisions and will more often than not have the two of you getting home way past curfew (getting you lectures from your parents). you never know where the two of you will wind up on friday nights; one time you found yourselves at the iwatobi high school pool, swimming together under the moonlight.

about once every few weeks, the two of you will come to a consensus on a book to read and share each few chapters with each other; much like a book club. however, you each seem to have your own grasp on what meanings lay within the words. you'll discuss it with civility and eventually come to an agreement that resides somewhere in the middle.

every other day, the two of you have made it a tradition to get up at the crack of dawn and go for a run together. despite running in silence the majority of the time, you can often feel your bond with your boyfriend growing. it's hard to keep up with him sometimes because his legs are that much longer than yours, but he tries his best to shorten his strides for you.

one day a month, you and sousuke take the extra money that you've earned from your jobs and use it to cross off something from your bucket lists. for example, renting mopeds and driving them along the boardwalk. the feeling of the wind blowing your hair in all directions was indescribable; it left you feeling as though you were no longer in reality. however, sousuke's rare but happy cry brought you back to earth, leaving a delicate smile on your face.

on thursday afternoons, momotarou makes it a point to drag you with him when he goes stag beetle collecting. at first, you were very reluctant to go because it seemed odd, but now thursdays can't seem to come fast enough. you've also gotten your hands dirty a few times as well, helping your boyfriend pick a stubborn beetle from its tree.

every saturday morning, the two of you will attend a painting class. it's a fun way for you to get your stress out and to laugh at each other's mediocre painting skills. you find that aiichiro often paints pictures of the sky while you delicately paint petals on various flowers. you've given the majority of these paintings away, but as a keepsake, the two of you have kept each other's first paintings.

one day a week, kisumi has taken it upon himself to drag you with him to the gym to play basketball. with college, he doesn't have the time to play for a team anymore, so he's resorted to playing one-on-one matches with you. he wins every time, of course, but you'd be lying if you said you hadn't improved substantially at the sport. the weekly workouts with kisumi have definitely given you more stamina, which you have to thank him for.

because of school, the two of you are under a lot of stress. due to this, the two of you have made a promise to each other that every night, you'll take at least a half hour to just hold each other and listen to music. usually, it's gentle music that'll put you to ease, but when the going gets tough, rock and roll never fails to get your jitters out.

you've made it a sort of tradition to take asahi with you for evening walks. it's refreshing to walk along the coast as the sun sets, hearing nothing but the sounds of the waves crashing and the cries of the seagulls. it's a nice quiet getaway from the hustle and bustle of the real world. at first, asahi was reluctant to go, but now he's adamant about going with you.

about once a month, you'll give gou a bouquet of her favorite flowers and she'll return the gesture with your own favorites. it's to remind each other of your shared love even when you're not together. gou always keeps her bouquet in her room whereas you keep yours where you can see it in the sunlight every morning.

natsuya has a habit of bringing you a snack from wherever his travels took him. he'll bring you anything from canadian maple syrup to belgian chocolates. because of natsuya's generosity, it feels as though you've traveled the world alongside him.

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