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now that summer's over, i feel as though it's high time for some fall scenarios. take this as an apology for my abrupt two month hiatus. i have another chapter on the way after this one.

haruka, bless his soul, has no concept of the word "cold", which unfortunately leads to him getting sick after taking a dip in the pool. you've gotten used to it at this point and make sure you always have extra vitamin c tablets with you along with a bottle of water. you also make sure to remind your boyfriend to stock up on tissues if he feels like taking an impulsive dive into the ocean.

when the crisp autumn weather begins to replace the summer heat, both you and makoto take advantage of the cooling temperatures and get hot apple cider every morning before school. and since it's hoodie season, you're never seen without one of makoto's hoodies on. the two of you spend your afternoons and weekends huddled up tightly underneath blankets and simply enjoying each other's presence.

your favorite thing to do with nagisa during the fall is to bake. you use the fruits and spices that are in season to make delicious pastries that the two of you share with your friends throughout the season. it's a great bonding experience for the two of you and you often try out weird flavor combinations when you have extra ingredients. however, every baking session seems to end up with a flour war.

during the fall, rei tends to focus on his studies more than anything. however, he continues to keep up his workouts, making sure that his muscles remain nice and toned when it finally is warm to start swimming outside again. he pushes you to do your best academically, because in his words, "if you're lazy at the start, you'll be lazy at the end." and to be honest, you're kind of glad he's up your ass about schoolwork, because you'd be wasting your time otherwise.

because of rin's early bird tendencies, he always manages to catch the first train to your place in order to get a coffee with you before you head off to your classes. you have each other's orders memorized at this point, although rin's is rather plain. he always gets a small black coffee along with an egg sandwich for breakfast. you can't imagine how rin can stomach to drink straight black coffee, it's way too bitter for your liking. he always lectures you on the cream and sugar you put into your drink, but for some reason he always asks for a sip.

sousuke, being a somewhat serious person, isn't much for participating in the usual fall festivities that your town holds. he prefers to use this time to get his shoulder worked on and to relax during the off-season. samezuka is still adamant on keeping their swimmers' stamina up during the fall and winter so sousuke doesn't get the luxury of relaxing every day. however, when he does work out, you treat him to a relaxing lavender oil massage afterwards.

momo isn't the biggest fan of fall, due to school starting up again. he's reluctant to leave summer's memories behind to focus on his grades, but with a push from both you and his friends, he's ready to get back on track. because he lives at samezuka, he only gets to see you on the weekends, which leads to long weeks for the both of you. however, once friday night comes, the two of you spend the entire weekend together until he has to catch the train back to samezuka on that sunday night.

when it comes to fall, aiichiro loves to take you on walks through the path in the woods. the multicolored leaves freckle the dirt road and crunch beneath your feet as the two of you walk hand-and-hand. your noses will become dusted with red due to the cold and your breath with come to be visible, setting you up for a few vape jokes. overall, the fall is an enjoyable time to spend with your grey-haired boyfriend.

because fall is training season for basketball, you and kisumi spend the majority of your autumn at the gym, bulking yourselves up and building stamina for his upcoming winter season. you always enjoy these workout sessions, however, because not only do you get to admire your pink-haired boyfriend, but you're changing your habits and exercising despite not wanting to. you tend to do cardio together, due to it being your least favorite part of working out. he pushes you to keep going, almost turning it into a competition to see who can get the most out of their thirty minute session.

autumn happens to be ikuya's favorite season. not only because makoto's birthday falls within it, but because of the beautiful scenery that covers the entirety of the town that the two of you reside in. he'll wake up early in the morning only to discover that his front lawn has been frosted over, a signal for the upcoming cold weather. he finds himself getting giddy over it, excited for the times when he can relax in a hot bath and partake in hot pots.

when fall arrives, it's instantly halloween for asahi. he celebrates from september first until november first. you don't complain, however, because it only means that you get to enjoy scary movies for two months straight. the two of you vehemently avoid human centipede though, it's the one film that'll keep you up for days. you two constantly argue over whether or not the nightmare before christmas is a halloween or a christmas movie despite it clearly being the former.

the youngest matsuoka sibling isn't the biggest fan of the cold, so ever since the two of you have gotten together, it's become a tradition for you to share warm baths during the crisp autumn weather. they're never sexual though, always just spending the better part of an hour wrapped in each other's loving embrace. sometimes, gou would light apple scented candles that enveloped the room in an even warmer ambience that would cause your eyelids to go heavy. after your bath, you and gou would huddle together in bed, limbs entangled whilst being covered by heavy down blankets.

during the fall, natsuya tends to take a break from his traveling so that he can have a few months of down time and be able to spend it with his partner. he likes to relax by the fireplace with you after unpacking his things, wrapping his tired arms around your body and inhaling your scent that he's missed so much.

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