late nights

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nights with haruka are spent on the roof of his house, admiring the stars and pointing out the constellations you recognize. beside you are usually various drinks to keep you hydrated, because nine times out of ten you two lose track of time and wind up watching the sunrise with morning breath and a dry mouth. even though the end is hell, the nights spent with haruka are one of a kind.

you two lay in his bed, the room almost completely dark save for a clownfish nightlight that he's had since he was a kid. the soft orange glow from it illuminates parts of makoto's face and makes seeing him like this a treasure among treasures. his strong arms wrap themselves around you, pulling you protectively into his chest. you reassure him, telling him how important he is to you and how much you truly treasure him.

staying up late with nagisa is a usual occurrence, most of the time spent by watching various movies and eating snacks. however, as the night drags on, you both find yourself growing increasingly tired. you'll become unusually pouty, putting yourself in between nagisa's arms and burying your head in the crook of his neck, relishing in his presence. nagisa will retaliate by kissing the top of your head and playing with your hair, commenting occasionally on how much you mean to him.

spending a night with rei is more fun than you'd think. you'll go for a drive, listening to your favorite summer songs as you sing along to them in the car. you'll head into the park, which has a great view of the sky from the parking lot. there, you'll listen to music while talking about nothing for hours on end.

when spending a night with rin, it's quite tame despite what you may think. he works incredibly hard to keep his position in the swim world, so a night of relaxation is exactly what he needs. you're happy to give it to him, however, massaging his back with relaxing oils and treating his hair to reverse the chlorine damage. when that's done, you'll give him recovery food, making sure that he's completely relaxed and resting his tired muscles.

when spending a night with sousuke, he tends to open up much more than he would in the daytime, telling you about his struggles and how they affect him. he'll apologize, telling you how he wasted your time, but you interrupt him, scolding him for not putting his needs before your own. it's not a waste of your time to listen to his issues and you're sure to let him know, giving him a reassuring smile as you tell him.

momo is pretty outgoing in general, but it all goes away once he's alone with you. he gets very affectionate, wrapping himself in your arms and telling you how much he appreciates you. this provokes a laugh from you and you return his feelings, peppering kisses all across his face. you express your love for him, telling him stories about before you two confessed your feelings and how badly you wanted to tell him how you felt.

you can usually expect a tame night when spending one with aii. he's not as adventurous as his friends, but that's what you like about him. he usually comes over to your house as he shares a dorm with momo, but it's the same nonetheless. it's spent with silent cuddling in your bed, keeping each other warm under the covers.

when spending a night with kisumi, he absolutely refuses to let you leave his arms, no matter the case. he's very persistent, but eventually you'll give in and just enjoy the time you two have together. he's sure to make the time worthwhile though, telling you stories about his day that more often than not earn a few laughs. you tell stories about your own day, telling kisumi about the funny exchange between your boss and a client that morning.

ikuya hasn't experienced normal teenage antics due to his persistence with his swimming career, so you opt to take him for an adrenaline-pumping adventure every time you spend a night with him. you'll get in the car and drive to wherever he wants to go, which is usually to a rave or a sorority party going on at his school. you'll spend the night there, dancing and having fun until the sun comes up.

spending the night with asahi is always one to remember. like rei, you two will get in the car and begin to play music. however, like normal teenagers, you'll crank the volume and recklessly bang your heads to the upbeat songs. there have been a few times when you've even opened the sunroof and stuck your head out of it, letting your hair wave wildly behind you as asahi drives.

nights with your girlfriend are just like sleepovers with your girl friends, only with kisses involved. you'll put face masks on each other and paint your nails. you find that you favor burgundy over any other color as it reminds you so much of gou. she'll paint hers your favorite color (which really suits her) and once they're dry, doesn't hesitate to embrace you tightly for the rest of the night.

nights with natsuya are rare, so the two of you make the best of it. you first find yourselves at the convenience store, stocking up on all of the necessities: ice cream, chips, candy, and sweet drinks. then, you'll rent a few of your favorite movies and cuddle on the couch while simultaneously enjoying each other's presence and the snacks.

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