The 11 Mile Challenge {Tord x Half-Monster!Tom}

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Tord loved to go on long random drives in the middle of the night for absolutely no reason. He had never met Tom before either. One day, he heard of the "11 mile challenge" and he thought he might as well do it. The rules were pretty basic. That was a lie. The rules were far from simple and there was a lot to remember. But what happens if when on the third mile, Tord swears he sees the shadow of a monster. But...what if it wasn't just a trick of his mind?... What if it was really a monster named Tom that was following Tord's car?

//I would like to be Tom. Also, good luck reading all the stuff below. Please actually read it all. It's the info based on the challenge and it will be helpful to know for this Roleplay//

The Rules:

• Only one person may be in the car

• The person must have a vehicle and the ability to operate it. A car is a common choice, but it's not the only option you might pick.

• The person must have a deep wish or desire


1) Begin at night, ideally at a time when the roads are not well-traveled.

2) Drive to the woods. The woods must be a particular type of woods: The road you take to them must also pass through them.

3) Drive. Enter the woods.

4) Drive. Begin looking. Look carefully. Let your wish guide you. You will know the road when you see it.

5) Drive. When you are certain you have located the road, turn down it.

6) Do not go faster than 30 mph. 15 mph is preferable.

Rules For When Driving

1) Take a moment if you need it. You may stop the car if you wish. Proceed only when you are ready.

2) Drive. This is mile one. If it gets cold, you may turn your heater on.

3) Drive. This is mile two. If you haven't already turned the heater on, now would be a good time to do so. If you do not, you might regret it later.

4) Drive. This is mile three. Ignore any shadows in the trees, no matter how human they may seem.

5) Drive. This is mile four. Ignore any voices you may hear, no matter how human may they seem.

6) Drive. This is mile five. Ignore the vanishing of the trees, the sudden appearance of a lake, and the glowing of the moon.

7) Drive. This is mile six. Ignore the returning of the trees, the disappearance of the stars, and the flickering of your headlights. If your radio turns on, ignore that too. Ignore it no matter what it says, but do not attempt to turn it off.

8) Congratulations; you are halfway done.
Drive. This is mile seven. Ignore — again — any voices you may hear, no matter how close they may sound. Do not turn around, even if the voices appear to be coming from the backseat.

9) Drive. This is mile eight. Slow down, but do not stop. Break if your headlights flicker, but do not stop. No matter how cold it gets, do not stop. No matter who or what you might see, do not stop.

10) Drive. This is mile nine. Your vehicle may stall. Close your eyes. Attempt to restart your vehicle. Do not open your eyes. No matter what you hear, do not open your eyes. When your vehicle starts, hit the gas as fast as you can. When the mile is over, you may open your eyes.

11) Drive. This is mile 10. Do not look in your rear view mirror.

12) Drive. This is mile 11. Your vehicle may lose power, but continue to move. Let it.
If you see a red light ahead, close your eyes. Close them tightly. Cover them with your hands if you must. Cover your ears if you can. Make sure you cannot see anything.

13) No matter what you hear, do not look.

14) No matter what you feel, do not look.

15) No matter how hot it gets, do not look.

16) When the power returns, stop your vehicle. Open your eyes. Take a moment.

17) Take a breath.

18) Drive.

Rules For Receiving Your Reward

1) Drive until the road dead ends.

2) Stop.

3) Relax.

4) Close your eyes.

5) Imagine your deepest desire. Even if it has changed from what it was when you began your journey, imagine it all the same — changes and all. Imagine not simply desiring it, but possessing it.

6) Open your eyes.

7) If your desire was an object: Check your trunk. If it is smaller than that, check your back seat. If it is smaller than that, check your pockets.

8) If your desire was non-material: Return to your life and check there. If it does not appear immediately, wait. Be patient. It will come.

What Happens With Completing The Journey

1) You may find at this point that you have returned to the start of the road.

2) You may go home... or you may begin the journey again.

3) The choice is yours.

During The Journey

Do NOT do any of the following:

1) Turn on the radio, tape deck, CD player, MP3 player, or other music-playing device;

2) Use a cell phone;

3) Open the windows;

4) Drive faster than 30 miles per hour;

5) Or leave the car.

Remember To Always Do This

1) Keep your eyes on the road.

2) Be prepared for possibly frightening sights.

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