Chapter 4

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Hana POV:

Lunch time:

Finally lunch time came i was so hungry me, minseo and jungkook were heading to cafeteria to eat something.

Minseo:"Both transfer students seem nice"she said "Taehyung is handsome and other one is so cute"she added clasping her hands.

Me:"You are saying Handsome to other boy infront of your crush? Seriously Minseo-ah" i whispered to her eyes narrowing.

Minseo:"Like he cares anyway" she said in a sad tone pouting.

Jungkook:"Look behind your back, guess what they love girls attention"he said pointing behind me and he was kinda right, there stood Taehyung and Jimin and all girls around them squealing like an idiots and offering them to eat with them but Taehyung said No to all offers and Jimin was giving a tight smile to each one.

Minseo:"Look he is coming towards us whaoo!"she whispered shouted nudging me and as i took a look up ,here he is standing near my table hands in his pockets smirking with Jimin smiling waving at me from behind.

Taehyung:"Mind if we sit here?"he asked while cocking one eyebrow.

Jungkook:" Sorry but No you can't sit here, there are more tables you can go sit there"he exclaimed while pointing at other tables.

Jungkook never lets any unknown boy sit with us specially during lunch time except the friends he knows.

Taehyung:"I didn't asked you, better if you keep your mouth shut"he said rudely glaring at Jungkook.

Me:"Don't you dare to talk with Jungkook like that again!"i said pointing my finger towards him.

Taehyung:"Whaoo im scared... and what if i dare to?"he said smirking and coming closer to me.

Jungkook:"You will face the consequences Taehyung if you get any closer to her. You are new here so stay away. And you dont even know me yet"he said standing between me and facing Taehyung while me and Minseo were behind Jungkook.

Jimin:"Tae that's okay lets g-" he couldn't even finish his sentence when Taehyung glared at Jimin then faced Jungkook.

Taehyung:"And you don't know me Jungkook,and i will do whatever i want to"he angrily said coming one step closer to Jungkook.

Jungkook:"And i'm not even interested in knowing you for your information so get lost"he said rolling his eyes on taehyung while grabbing mine and minseo's wrists and pulling us towards the exit of cafeteria going to our next class.

Me:"You didn't have to say No to them Jungkook-ah. They are new here"i said while walking beside him.

Minseo:"But can't he sit on other table why ours?"she said while frowning.

Jungkook:" Didn't you see his smirk when he asked you, are you blind Hana?he asked me

Me:"You are being angry on little things Jungkook-ah ignore it"i said grabbing his arms and caressing it to calm him down.

Jungkook:"If you say so Cupcake"he said ruffling my hair.

The day goes by attending all classes and working on a project. I also didn't had any interection with Taehyung after the cafeteria scene. So the day was okay i guess.

At Home:

Me:"Im back Mom!" I said entering after locking the door behind me and went to kitchen and saw mom cooking something.

Mom:"ah you came sweetie,how was your day?"she asked me drying her hands after washing.

Me:"It was okay mom work,work and work"i said plopping myself on couch tiredly.

Mom:"Aww my sweetie works too much. Oh yeah today my friend is coming with her son, So i want you to help me"she said cutting some vegetables.

Me:"Sure Mom i will help you. I will be right back after i change"i said getting up to go upstairs to my room. Even though I'm tired i can't say no to mom in helping.

After taking a good shower i helped my mom in cleaning and making food. And time passed so fastly that it was already 7pm. Mom told me to get ready fast guests must be coming any time soon and i did as she said. I wore this outfit since mom choosed it.

After getting ready, i was still in my room using phone to check some posts when our doorbell rang indicating someone came or maybe guests arrived

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After getting ready, i was still in my room using phone to check some posts when our doorbell rang indicating someone came or maybe guests arrived.

Mom:"Hana! Come downstairs they are here. Hurry!!"she shouted from downstairs and i hurriedly took a look at myself in mirror if I'm looking good or not but guess what I'm looking pretty;) and head downstairs to meet our guests.


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