Chapter 25

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Next day:

Third Person POV:

Jungkook called minseo this morning and said that he will pick her but minseo being scared she rejected the offer and said that she is coming with Hana. Minseo is scared that he will ask about yesterday night. That's why she wants to ignore him to not get hurt but who knows what jungkook thinks.

On the other hand, Hana is also scared that she is mentally praying taehyung won't come today to school. Because she knows, yesterday she crossed the line by kissing taehyung. And Taehyung will surely hate her. Minseo is keep teasing Hana about the last night kiss, basically, Minseo is distracting herself from thinking negatively. And Hana also teases her for her confession, to distract herself.

But luck is not always with them right...?
And both best friends walked to their class.

Time skip to lunch break:

Jungkook POV:

As the bell rang I immediately walked out from music class and head to literature class where Hana and minseo are. When I got there jimin was already standing there leaning on the wall hands crossed and head low.

Me:" Hey, what's up Cotton Candy? What happened?" I asked nudging him. He looked up and shook his head in no.

Me: "Doesn't seem like it" I said.

As I said, Hana and minseo came out of the class. They saw us both standing waiting for them. Minseo eyes widen seeing me. I smiled at Hana.

Minseo: "I-I'll be r-right back," she said and as she starts to walk away I grabbed her wrist she looked at me with wide eyes with a red face.

Me: "I think we have something to talk about Minseo-ah," I said not smiling she gulped.

Minseo: "No-No we do-"I just grabbed her wrist to make her come with me and headed straight to music class as I know it's empty right now.

We entered a class and minseo lowered her head looking at ground fidgeting with her fingers.

Silence...... which soon I broke it

Me: "Let's talk about yesterday night, shall we?" I asked lowering my head a little to look at her face.

Minseo: "T-There is n-nothing to t-talk ab-about," she said stuttering badly.

Me: "Ohh really?" I asked stepping closer to her slowly and she stepped back"What about the confession huh?" I asked stepping more closer and closer while she stepped backwards until she felt the wall behind her.

Minseo: "It-It was j-just for the game," she said, voice so low that I barely could hear.

Me: " are saying now don't like Me?" I asked placing my hands on the wall behind her basically caging her, as I said she looked up at me and her face is a tomato red.

Minseo: "I don-"she was saying but she stopped for some seconds and shut her eyes and that's when I saw a tear rolling down her red cheeks"I-I do-do l-like y-you" she mumbled loud enough so that I can catch and then she covered her face with her hands.

And these 4 words were enough to make my heart beat fast and smile like crazily.

Minseo: "I k-know y-you don't f-feel the same-"before she can complete her sentence I removed her hands from her face and grabbed her face leaned in and attached my lips on hers.

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