Chapter 26

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A day after:

Hana POV:

I'm walking with Minseo to school. My mood is so down today, well i didn't wanted to go to school today but mom said to go. Yesterday Taehyung avoided looking at me.I felt so down yesterday too.

Minseo:"Hana what happened?, your mood is off since yesterday"she exclaimed placing one hand on my shoulder

Me:"Its n-nothing, i just have a headache and its not going"i lied placing one hand on my head as if its hurting

Minseo:"Huh, you could have a day off from school pabo"she said shaking her head

Me:"Its not that high, so thats okay"i said giving a assuring smile and she nodded.

We entered school and walked to corridors when i remembered i have to give the book back to librarian which i borrowed yesterday.

Me:"Minseo-ah you go ahead i will be right back i have to give book back to librarian"i said and she nodded and she walked to class


I gave the book back and went out of library when suddenly someone bumped into me. And i soon realized his drink spilled on my shirt-What the!-

Someone:"uh im so sorry im really sorry-it was my fault i-i wasnt looking ahead"he said kept bowing and giving me a cloth to clean 

Me:"Oh no thats okay, no problem, i will go and clean it"i said and hurriedly walked to restroom to clean it. As i was going to enter someone pull me inside boy's restroom

I squealed in horror and saw the person who pulled me inside. Bogum.My heart beat got faster and my face went pale.

Bogum:"Hello my sweetheart~"he said smirking coming near to my face, i placed my hands in his chest to push him away and i was about to scream but he placed my hand in my mouth to shut me

Bogum:"No sweetheart not this time,i still remember the slap and now the time has come for a payback my girl"he said smirking again caressing my cheek i shook my head to get away from his hand which was caressing my cheeks.

I wriggle out of his grip but he is so strong

Me:"L-Let m-me g-go you a-asshole!"i shouted but my voice wasnt loud because of his hand on my mouth

Bogum:"Sorry sweetheart i gave you much time to relax~"he said smirking coming so close to my face. I got scared to hell. My breath got heavy. Tears starts to trickle down my cheeks.i continuously tried to get out of his grip but to no avail.-someone please help me!"i cried

He trailed his one hand on my arm from my hands to shoulder.i shut my eyes praying for someone to come and help me

Bogum:"I love you so much Hana, why don't you understand"he whispered in low voice. His face is just 3 inches apart from mine. And he is coming closer and closer, I shut my eyes tightly tears coming out.-H-help me!-

But suddenly i didn't felt his hand on my mouth and shoulder, i opened my eyes instantly and saw Bogum on floor hissing grabbing his mouth

Suga:"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!,...DON'T EVER I SEE YOU WITH HER AGAIN!.... RUN BEFORE I KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!"he shouted while keep punching him bogum's mouth is bleeding now. Yoongi punched one last time and bogum ran off stumbling

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