Chapter 19

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Next day:

Hana POV:

I'm putting my books in my locker when suddenly my sight got all black because someone just put their hands on my eyes.

Person:"Good Morning Baby~"he whispered near my ear half backhugging me, i immediately knew who it is. I pushed his hands of off me and turned to face Bogum then stepped backwards.

Me:"I told you don't do this again!. I don't like you and don't call me baby!!. I have enough of you asshole, Got it?!" I shouted and unknowingly slapped him in anger. It was getting enough and i couldn't hold it anymore. Its freakin' uncomfortable.

Bogum:"How dare you slap me Hana!!, You will pay for this, you just wait and watch!"he said and stormed out of my sight.

I quickly ran to my first class and sat, then started to revise math formulas.

Jimin:"Hana!, how's your preparation for math test?"he asked turning back to face me smiling with raising his eyebrows.

Me:"It's good i think"i said pouting.

Jimin:"You will do just good, don't worry"he said patting my shoulders and i gave him my best smile.

I didn't see Taehyung anywhere usually he comes with Jimin but Jimin is already here then...

Me:"Jimin where is Taehyung?, doesn't he comes with you?"i asked furrowing my eyebrows.

Jimin:"Oooo~ can't Hana live without Taehyung just for one day"he teased smirking, wriggling eyebrows...arghh not again.

Me:"Yah! Stop this. I don't even like him that way don't tease me all the time aishh"i said hitting his shoulder with my book and he kept dodging it away while laughing hard.

Minseo:"Oh come on my bestie we know you have a crush on Taehyung don't make a fool of yourself now, we won't tell anyone we swear"she said coming from nowhere and sat with me anger boiled in me.

Me:"Yahh! I will kill you both i said i DON'T like him!"i shouted and start hitting her shoulder with my book while jimin kept laughing backwards.

Minseo:"Ah..ahh okay...stop hitting...Now it hurts!"she said stopping me from hitting her.

Taehyung:"Whao Hana likes someone?"he asked suddenly appeared from somewhere,our eyes widen and i got all nervous and my cheeks got heat up in an instant.

Me:"N-No i don't...they are just j-joking yeah"i said mentally slapping myself for stuttering and really wanted to punch Jimin and Minseo who were controlling their laugh but couldn't i glared at them but to NO avail.

Minseo:"We are not joking Taehyung, Hana likes someone and that is... JIMIN!"she said, me, jimin and taehyung were shocked as hell our eyes widen looking at her.

Jimin&Me:W-WHAT?!!!" we said too loud eyes wide as if eye balls will come out.

Taehyung:"JIMIN?!"He repeated loudly in shock.

Minseo:" ...Ahh haha no no im kidding.. its Bogum! yeah"after she said her eyes also went wide and i swear if jungkook heard it he will kill me for sure.

Jimin:"That pervert jerk?!"he asked in disbelief.

I was going to say 'no' and shake my head in No but minseo came closer to my ear and whispered.

Minseo:"Do you want me to tell Taehyung the real crush name?"she whispered and my eyes went wide,i bit my lower lip sighing in defeat because i can never win from her..she can literally tell Taehyung the truth ....i wanna cry~~

Me:"Y-Yeah"i muttered to jimin and taehyung with a tight smile and minseo smirked in victory.

Jimin:"i thought you hate him"he mumbled in confusing but shrugged.

Taehyung:"Bogum? isn't he gay?"he asked laughing but with a confused face afterwards.

We all looked at him shocked and laughed so hard.

Taehyung:"What?..He litrally flirted with me 2 days ago and winked at me too"he said crossing his arms and puffed his cheeks in annoyance. And we all laughed at him so much.

Minseo:"Haha he flirted with you?...haha.. ahh he is not gay he is straight don't worry...but thats so funny haha"she said while laughing and we all nodded in agreement.

Taehyung:"Aish stop laughing"he said and turned to front of class and jimin did too but kept laughing while nugdging him.

Teacher came and class started, throughout the class only one thing was in my mind Taehyung's smile, it was so beautiful. And his lips apart in shocked, his puffed up cheeks. It was .... So Cute~~....aish stop thinking about him hana!

Day went really fast. Today jungkook was busy with his other friend who is with him in singing class. And about Minseo she was missing jungkook all day and i kept teasing her about him as a revenge of saying i like Bogum...I HELLA HATE HIM FOR GOD SAKE!!!. I damn wanna kill you saying this. Minseo already told Jimin during lunch time that she lied about me liking Bogum. -She said i blurt out what name came to my mind that time-

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A/N:Vote,Comment and ShareAnd💜HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY MY LOVES💜MariahMicallef1PamelaLeeMicallefjikookparadaise

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